Is tasting fat the 6th taste?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
7:06 PM
SE Australia
It's not new news but it's new to me.

There are traditionally considered to be 5 tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami.

Sweet, salty and umami are all appetite related and indicate that the food contains essential nutrients. Whilst excessively sour and bitter signal an aversion to the food and indicate that the food could be potentially harmful. with me so far?

a characteristic of the fat taste that’s different from the other five tastes is a conscious quality. When we place sucrose on our tongue, for instance, we experience sweetness. But people are not as conscious of tasting fat.

Now can be read here and in further links within the blog post.
Umani is one I hadn't heard. I didn't even know the word until I saw it on TV a few weeks ago.
I think fat has too many flavors to be tasted as one thing.
Umami (not Umani) is a savoury fermented taste. Examples are parmesan cheese, blue cheese (or probably any smelly cheese) soy sauce, fish sauce, anchovies, Marmite, miso, mushrooms, bacon, aged meat, beef jerky, mushrooms.
Umami (not Umani) is a savoury fermented taste. Examples are parmesan cheese, blue cheese (or probably any smelly cheese) soy sauce, fish sauce, anchovies, Marmite, miso, mushrooms, bacon, aged meat, beef jerky, mushrooms.
Thanks for the correction mother dearest. And I do like most of these foods.
I think fat is tasted in the mouth as a texture. Not sure it has a taste as fats are different. Olive oil does not taste same as lard.
I like the taste of dairy fat, decent olive oil, dripping and lard,but forget the fat on the meat. The texture is revolting and I can't stand the taste of it. Unless it is well crisped up (as in, for example, bacon, crackling, or steak) I say no thank you.
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