Just got a new meat market near me!!


Regular Member
18 Sep 2022
Local time
7:41 PM
I'd heard about it a year or so ago and forgot all about it.
Well it's open and man does it look good!!! They have most any highgrade hunk of meat you could want.
Ordered a couple dry aged ribeyes for the game on Sunday,cant wait to walk around the place and see all they have to offer.
They plan on opening a bar as well.
I can see myself showing up at opening time and grabbing a bloody mary and leaving a trail of drool as I peruse the meat cases.


It doesnt look like much from the outside,which is my kind of place,but the inside looks like heaven.

Looks good and I see they have wagyu. Have you ever tried that?

Oh yeah...
The Wife and I will pick up a couple steaks a few times a year.
They're so rich we really dont want them that often,we've found that an 8 oz. steak is good for one person.
We call them the cheesecake of steaks you can only eat one before it gets to be to much. We have one thats been in the freezer for to long so the dogs are in for a treat.

We just picked up two 2 lb. dry aged ribeyes for the game tomorrow.
Going to use the reverse sear method. We have a sous vide unit that we used to use all the time until we discovered the reverse sear.
I'd heard about it a year or so ago and forgot all about it.
Well it's open and man does it look good!!! They have most any highgrade hunk of meat you could want.
Ordered a couple dry aged ribeyes for the game on Sunday,cant wait to walk around the place and see all they have to offer.
They plan on opening a bar as well.
I can see myself showing up at opening time and grabbing a bloody mary and leaving a trail of drool as I peruse the meat cases.


It doesnt look like much from the outside,which is my kind of place,but the inside looks like heaven.

https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x8641273a178d5d75:0x2a1566f7c6ce964b!3m1!7e115!4shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNEttZ-ToKFlHi-ROmqPQjdrxm5ZgkwisZShdpJ=w568-h320-k-no!5scherry block meat market - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNEttZ-ToKFlHi-ROmqPQjdrxm5ZgkwisZShdpJ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsj5ipp6z6AhU1oWoFHbu1CvUQoip6BAhcEAM

Sounds great! The hike is a bit too far for me, but I want to try the wild game section - the antelope in specific. Wagyu is something I'd try.

Sounds great! The hike is a bit too far for me, but I want to try the wild game section - the antelope in specific. Wagyu is something I'd try.


While I like Wagyu I'd rather have a prime 30 day dry aged ribeye.
The one thing I haven't tried is dry aged Wagyu,that would make for an interesting combination.
Oh yeah...
The Wife and I will pick up a couple steaks a few times a year.
They're so rich we really dont want them that often,we've found that an 8 oz. steak is good for one person.
We call them the cheesecake of steaks you can only eat one before it gets to be to much. We have one thats been in the freezer for to long so the dogs are in for a treat.

We just picked up two 2 lb. dry aged ribeyes for the game tomorrow.
Going to use the reverse sear method. We have a sous vide unit that we used to use all the time until we discovered the reverse sear.

I still prefer to sous vide and sear. Reverse sear is all the rage with the BBQ crowd, but I never thought it was all that special. To each his own.

There is a good meat market in the Lakewood Forrest area, near my sister's house. Nice meat, but the prices are way out there.

We have a Wild Fork in Frisco. I haven't been to it, yet. Meat and seafood market delivered to your door

I still prefer to sous vide and sear. Reverse sear is all the rage with the BBQ crown, but I never thought it was all that special. To each his own.

There is a good meat market in the Lakewood Forrest area, near my sister's house. Nice meat, but the prices are way out there.

We have a Wild Fork in Frisco. I haven't been to it, yet. Meat and seafood market delivered to your door


There really isnt a difference in the end product when going reverse sear or sous vide that I can tell. They both give you that perfect cook from edge to edge.
I like reverse sear because it's less of a hassle. Plug in the thermometer and put it in a low heat oven and pull it at 105 for rare.
The best thing about sous vide is it's impossible to overcook the steak. If you have more than a couple pieces of meat and a bunch of people where timing can be an issue I'd definitely go sous vide.
There really isnt a difference in the end product when going reverse sear or sous vide that I can tell. They both give you that perfect cook from edge to edge.
I like reverse sear because it's less of a hassle. Plug in the thermometer and put it in a low heat oven and pull it at 105 for rare.
The best thing about sous vide is it's impossible to overcook the steak. If you have more than a couple pieces of meat and a bunch of people where timing can be an issue I'd definitely go sous vide.

The best part of sous vide this summer has been that I can do it indoors -- and not heat up the kitchen. I haven't done near as much outdoor cooking in 2022, because it's been too hot outside. In July, we had 28 days that were 100F or over here.

The best part of sous vide this summer has been that I can do it indoors -- and not heat up the kitchen. I haven't done near as much outdoor cooking in 2022, because it's been too hot outside. In July, we had 28 days that were 100F or over here.


Yeah this summer was pretty hot
I dont mind running the oven at 200 and I usually sear over charcoal.
I sit out back on the porch all year even at 100 plus. As long as I have shade,a fan, a cold drink and the pool to hop into I'm good.
I retired at 46 eleven years ago so I've had plenty of time to get acclimated and the heat has never been a huge issue with me.
Yeah this summer was pretty hot
I dont mind running the oven at 200 and I usually sear over charcoal.
I sit out back on the porch all year even at 100 plus. As long as I have shade,a fan, a cold drink and the pool to hop into I'm good.
I retired at 46 eleven years ago so I've had plenty of time to get acclimated and the heat has never been a huge issue with me.
I'm definitely a cool weather person than a hot weather one. Once it hits 78 F around here (especially with humidity) I'm done. Then again, no pool here.

I do enjoy using sous vide. It does help with company and timing things.

Otherwise, I'll regular-sear or reverse-sear, depending on mood.

We did have a decent meat market back in CT, it was a bit out of the way for me to visit often, however. Probably just as well....
I'm definitely a cool weather person than a hot weather one. Once it hits 78 F around here (especially with humidity) I'm done. Then again, no pool here.

I do enjoy using sous vide. It does help with company and timing things.

Otherwise, I'll regular-sear or reverse-sear, depending on mood.

We did have a decent meat market back in CT, it was a bit out of the way for me to visit often, however. Probably just as well....

When they say it's the humidity not the heat....
No truer words have ever been spoken. Went to visit a buddy in Vegas for a few weeks and the temps hit 110 and I was comfortable.
Heat like that on the Texas Gulf Coast + the humidity would be unbearable.
It was weird though. On the way home I got to the humidity and it felt good for some reason.
Of course it could have been my cracked lips and bloody nose that were sighing in relief.
Holy Cow!!!
No pun intended....we reverse seared one of the 30 day dry aged prime ribeyes this evening after the game.
It was absolutely fantastic!! The Wife and I both agreed that it was the best steak we've had in years!!
At two lbs each we only did one,it ended up sitting on a platter and I cut us bite sized pieces that never touched a plate.
I really needed something good after watching the Texans to brighten my day.
I didnt even mind the $80 bucks for a steak which when you think about it isn't really that bad considering it weighed two lbs.
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