Recipe Lamb English Muffin Sliders


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
12:45 AM
Lamb English Muffin Sliders:



1) Ground Lamb - 16 Oz.
2) English Muffins - 4
3) Onion - 2 slices
4) Garlic - 6 to 8 cloves
5) Pickapeppa Sauce (or similar) - as desired
6) Cheddar cheese - 4 slices.
7) Lettuce - as desired
8) Tomato - 1
9) Anise - 1 tspn.
10) Rosemary - 1 to two tspns.


1) Dice the onion and garlic.
2) Knead the onion, garlic, sauce and spices into the ground lamb.
3) Divide the lamb into 4 parts and form patties.
4) Fry the lamb patties.
5) Chop the lettuce into pieces to fit the English muffins.
6) Slice the tomato longways.
7) Lay the bottoms of the English muffins on serving plates.
8) Cover with lettuce and tomato.
9) Slice the cheddar cheese and melt on top of the lamb patties.
10) Place the lamb patties over the lettuce and tomato.
11) Cover with the tops of the English muffins.
12) Serve the sliders.
I googled and found that sliders originated in the 1940s with the US Navy when sailors were fed min-burgers which they called "sliders."
They generally "slide" right in your mouth in just a few bites. Of course an English muffin sized bun is a little more like five or six bites for me. :happy:
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