Recipe Lenten food


28 May 2015
Local time
6:14 PM
This may be late in coming since the seaon of Lent was last month yet. But anyway, may I share this dish with you. It is the moringa fruit.

Ingredients: Moringa fruit, about 10 pieces, 2 pieces of sweet potato, fish sauce (the clear variety), salt, garlic and onions for sauteeing. .

Procedure. The moringa fruit is like beans that is long. Take off the rind, be sure that nothing is left because the rind is tough. Then cut the fruit in maybe 4 pieces. Soak in 3 glasses of water with 6 tablespoon of salt. Soak for 1 hour to take away the acrid taste.

Sautee the garlic and onion with the fish sauce. Put in 2 glasses of water. Check the taste, add more fish sauce if necessary. Bring it to a boil before adding the moringa (be sure to wash and drain) and the sliced sweet potato. When the sweet potato becomes soft then the moringa is also cooked.

Good to be served with rice.
You are lucky it grows where you are (Philippines?) because its now being hailed as a super-food and miracle-food in the West with ridiculously high prices to match - for various extracts, seeds and powders!

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I have been lucky enough to have a friend bring me some of this when she came to visit me while I was living in Canada. It looks like this:

When she had prepped it for us, she put it in a stew. It really didn't have any strong taste, rather like spinach and nuts. I am not sure. When I tried it raw it was like eating a radish. Or similar to that. I really wish I could get this locally. For something that is regarded as a superfood, it sure taste great! @Corzhens you are lucky!
@morning glory and @aquaticneko, thank you for appreciating moringa. Yes, that photo above is the fruit of moringa. We have several trees in the vacant lot beside our property and some are fruiting. But we don't harvest that although the neighbors love to pick those elongated moringa. I just buy from the market because it's already peeled off so what we do is just to soak it in salt-water. Another good thing with moringa is the leaves. It can be mixed with any vegetable dish. Would you believe that there are lots of bakeshops here selling moringa bread? Instead of raisins, the moringa leaves adorn the bread.
@morning glory and @aquaticneko, thank you for appreciating moringa. Yes, that photo above is the fruit of moringa. We have several trees in the vacant lot beside our property and some are fruiting. But we don't harvest that although the neighbors love to pick those elongated moringa. I just buy from the market because it's already peeled off so what we do is just to soak it in salt-water. Another good thing with moringa is the leaves. It can be mixed with any vegetable dish. Would you believe that there are lots of bakeshops here selling moringa bread? Instead of raisins, the moringa leaves adorn the bread.

Moringa Bread sounds amazing! Send me some! Haha. I didn't know that the leaves could be eaten as well either. Also I have never really seen the tree just a lot of the fruit that my friend brought. Does it grow easy? What kind of climate does it prefer? I'm wondering if I could get it planted. The weather is tropical here so I'm not sure it will grow.
Moringa Bread sounds amazing! Send me some! Haha. I didn't know that the leaves could be eaten as well either. Also I have never really seen the tree just a lot of the fruit that my friend brought. Does it grow easy? What kind of climate does it prefer? I'm wondering if I could get it planted. The weather is tropical here so I'm not sure it will grow.

You may not believe it but we just cut a big branch of maybe 2 inches in diameter and stick it on the ground. Provided it gets good irrigation, it will grow. And if you plant it like that during the rainy season, you can harvest some leaves in a matter of 2 months. The moringa is prolific with its growth. Most vacant lots here in our village have the moringa so no need to buy from the market whether the leaves, which are more popular than the fruit, or the fruit themselves. Last week, my husband repaired the fence of the vacant lot that serves as our extended garden. He cut some moringa branches and made it the post for the fence. Now some small leaves have sprouted so the fence is a living fence.
You may not believe it but we just cut a big branch of maybe 2 inches in diameter and stick it on the ground. Provided it gets good irrigation, it will grow. And if you plant it like that during the rainy season, you can harvest some leaves in a matter of 2 months. The moringa is prolific with its growth. Most vacant lots here in our village have the moringa so no need to buy from the market whether the leaves, which are more popular than the fruit, or the fruit themselves. Last week, my husband repaired the fence of the vacant lot that serves as our extended garden. He cut some moringa branches and made it the post for the fence. Now some small leaves have sprouted so the fence is a living fence.

WOW! It's that easy to grow? I need to send my friend home asap to bring some back! haha! I'll ask her if she could take some back for me! For something that is such a superfood to grow so prolific is great.
For Lent my mother prepared smoked salmon with rosemary, thyme and mushrooms dressed in olive oil. She made a lot of pescetarian dishes for the household like fish and chips and barbecued tuna neck (it's really good). I love Lenten food because it's so light and the vegetables seem fresher than normal.
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