Recipe Low Calorie Meal #1, Cayenne Peppered Cabbage


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
12:22 AM
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It's well into Spring and the big bears have come out of hibernation. But for Human Beings, the Bear Clan stocked up on weight during those cold months and it's now time to shed those stored calories.

BTW: 1 Food Calorie is actually 1000 scientific (chemo) calories - 1 kCal. That should motivate to dump them. 1 lb. of body weight is about 3500 food calories. Static or sedentary calorie balances are max 1600 for women and max 2200 for men. Two ways to loose weight therefore are to 1) lower calorie intake and 2) burn calories beyond static sedentary existence through exercise, walking and some other form of physical activity.

We'll explore via these low calorie meals, reducing calorie intake ...

Meal #1: Cayenne Peppered Cabbage

1 Cup of Cabbage = 20C (There are about 4 to 5 cups of Cabbage in one moderate sized head)
1 Medium Yellow Onion = 60C
1 Normal sized Garlic Clove = 4C
2 Tblspns of Cayenne Pepper Sauce = Insignificant C

In a fry pan, put ...
10 whole Garlic Cloves (40C)
1/4 Yellow Onion, Julienne Cut (15C)
2 Cups of Cabbage, chopped (40C)
Pour about 2 to 4 Tblspns of Cayenne Pepper Sauce over all. (0C)
Total Calories: 95C (Significantly less than 1600/2200 for a single meal that will fill your gut with about 2.5 cups of ruffage.

Heat at 275 degrees F. The mix will give off a good deal of liquid as it cooks down. Stir while heating.

Serve in bowls.

This was my evening meal after eating 4 celery sticks for breakfast (40C) and 2 cups of Cottage Cheese (360C) with 9 Blue Corn Tortilla Chips (130C) for lunch. 1 Cup of V8 Spicey afterwards (50C). Total intake today? 675C. Got a lot of physical activity too.

This recipe is meatless and at 675C in one day, I don't recommend that all meals be that low. Shoot for about 1000 to 1200C per day until your weight loss is comfortable and than go back to normal intakes. I'll be doing Bratwurst sandwiches tomorrow to take in about 867C for (2) sandwiches and balance at about 1200C during the day.

I have thus far (2 weeks) lost 27 lbs.
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Static or sedentary calorie balances are max 1600 for women and max 2200 for men.

Its not fair! :laugh:

I have thus far (2 weeks) lost 27 lbs.

That is an impressive weight loss - one might even say it is a bit too fast a loss. But really well done. :bravo:And there is no doubt that going for meatless meals will really help lower calories. Good thinking!
That is an impressive weight loss - one might even say it is a bit too fast a loss. But really well done. :bravo:And there is no doubt that going for meatless meals will really help lower calories. Good thinking!

Weight loss is something that most people do not understand, but are mercilessly stuck on vain attempts to achieve it as if it were fantasy. It then becomes harmful and self-punitive. And the human body reacts in extreme ways to many weight loss schemes, growing more fat cells and adjusting metabolism to preserve calories. The result of most weight loss diets is oddly enough ... to gain more weight. It is truly something people need to understand, if they are to try and loose weight. They must do it for health and not vanity! Most doctors claim that to be successful, one must make a lifestyle change. That there, by itself, suggests a psychological adaptation. Understanding weight, whether underweight or overweight IMHO requires an intellectual part too ... the underlying mechanisms must be understood.

In a cooking forum, we love food. We love preparing food and consuming it. We are at a disadvantage from the git-go.

But the benefits of controlling calories and the types of food we consume are manifold with the greatest benefit being health, physical and psychological. And controlling consumption also can benefit in terms of monthly food expenditure budgets.
Wow....very impressive! Maybe when my Weight Watchers trial ends, I'll sign up with the Flying Lentris plan!

There is no Lentris plan. :o_o: It's spring and it's time to dump some winter weight. I only wish to share some of my intellectual musings on the topic.

I got very interested in killing fat cells, because I found out that the body will react to forced weight loss by creating more of them. So, how to get rid of them is clearly, important. And I've found from research, that I'm not the first to visit that channel.
We make a similar dish a few times a year. Colleen and I are huge cabbage fans.

I agree about the weight loss. 20ish years ago I tried a few different "fad" diets, low carb, west coast, blah blah blah. They all only worked temporarily. About 8 years ago I decided that if I wanted to lose weight I needed to eat differently, drink less beer, and get off my fat butt and exercise. I did the math, and decided that I would eat 1900 "net" calories a day. Also, limit, but not remove sugar, bad carbs, ect.....My goal was to lose one pound a week.

Sure enough. Slowly and methodically I lost weight. I didn't have to remove any food groups. I could eat what I wanted to. Except I had to do it with discipline.

I exercised 3-5 times a week (a combination of swimming laps and the treadmill). I've kept most of the weight off for the better part of five years.

My discipline has been lacking the last year. I've put on 5-8 pounds. At the end of the month I'm getting back to swimming and exercise while trying to monitor what I eat.

Sorry for the thread jack @flyinglentris
I agree about the weight loss. 20ish years ago I tried a few different "fad" diets, low carb, west coast, blah blah blah. They all only worked temporarily. About 8 years ago I decided that if I wanted to lose weight I needed to eat differently, drink less beer, and get off my fat butt and exercise. I did the math, and decided that I would eat 1900 "net" calories a day. Also, limit, but not remove sugar, bad carbs, ect.....My goal was to lose one pound a week.

Sure enough. Slowly and methodically I lost weight. I didn't have to remove any food groups. I could eat what I wanted to. Except I had to do it with discipline.

I exercised 3-5 times a week (a combination of swimming laps and the treadmill). I've kept most of the weight off for the better part of five years.

My discipline has been lacking the last year. I've put on 5-8 pounds. At the end of the month I'm getting back to swimming and exercise while trying to monitor what I eat.

Sorry for the thread jack @flyinglentris

I'm glad I was able to provide a tick to get you back with your discipline. The winter was beating me up. My blood pressure was up to 157, but now as gone down to 124. That was most noticeable. My primary P, no doubt appreciates that change. I've been to start, severe on calorie intake, but am now adjusting to about that 1900 mark you selected. 1 lb. a week is about what the x-spurts recommend. I was after more and it can be had, but will begin to cause some discomfort. I can moderate now.
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