Low Carb Diet


25 Sep 2014
Local time
9:10 AM
I really shouldn't call it a "diet." It's more like a new style of eating for me. I have been reducing the amount of carbs, especially sugars, in my eating plan. I still eat good carbs (fiber), and I have upped my protein intake.

I feel fuller longer, I never feel like I'm starving or deprived, and I feel like I have more energy and stuff. I just feel better overall.

Does anyone else do low carbs? What is your plan like?
For me, rice is a part of our culture. I've gone ahead and committed the ultimate sin by cutting off rice! Much to the dismay of my family.... I eat much more vegetables, steamed, fresh, roasted, stir fried... so many methods and ways to cook them and so much variety. I do the occasional slice of pure whole wheat bread, or sweet potatoes. I do have some multigrain rice that I cook every month or so just to say I do eat it. I do that more for the fibre though. I do eat bagels, whole wheat ones, half or so with some cream cheese or avocado.

I love my new lifestyle though. I was surprised at first how I felt so much better. I no longer crave sugar, or feeling like I need more. I have much more energy. I certainly don't miss eating all the carbs and sugar.
I do not eat many carbs. I don't really have a plan either :D I generally eat eggs, corn tortillas, and fermented veggies in the morning. Salad, soup, or leftovers for lunch. Meat and vegetables for dinner. That's about it! I do eat rice, beans, lentils, potatoes, etc. once or twice a week. I do not eat bread or sugar very often. I don't keep them at home so usually only eat them when I am eating away from home (which I try not to do for that reason!).
I have been quite low carb since doing the 20/20 diet. I can't say I have missed them all that much. It is more convenience I miss..but heck, carbs are good! I plan to go back to them when off this diet, but I am going to be very careful with portion size and monitor how many of them I am eating ala weight watchers. I think life is meant to be lived, and if we are careful there is no reason we shouldn't eat the foods we enjoy.
I find that if I cook some things ahead of time, it helps. If there is chicken ready to go in the fridge, I can heat up some veggies with it or cut it up in a salad. If I have to stop and make something whenever I get hungry, I'm more tempted to grab something that I shouldn't. So, I'm trying to keep good choices handy and ready.
our plan is just to eat what is more healthy if there is an option. I have fallen in love with a 12 grain whole grain bread. so if I want a slice of toast or a sandwich I use that bread. I rarely will eat white bread anymore. Don't really eat bread too much either. Hubs is diabetic so we watch those. we eat them but not anywhere as much as we used to. Might have rice once a month? pasta about the same and potatoes less than that. also eat some pasta alternatives such as Zoodles, and a new edamame pasta I found recently at Costco. These are actually really good


also in place of canned chili for hot dogs or a bowl of chili sometimes I will use Lentils also found at Costco. Much cheaper at Costco.


they can be used in tacos, as chili, it's amazing how they just taste so great. And No meat.

Also have a recipe to make your own but they are actually strictly Tex Mex flavored.

I've never really tried low carb...being half Italian in my ancestry I just can't really fathom not having many carbs! I'm not concerned about my weight or anything, but I do tend to snack a lot and I probably don't eat as much protein as I should which is something I really need to rectify!
When I am on a diet against carbs, my refuge is the root crops and plantain. My problem in avoiding rice is the pang of hunger that haunts me. In effect, I would be snacking frequently otherwise I would be in a bad mood. With sweet potato and taro, I feel full likewise with plantain. Boiled sweet potato or taro can be my lunch that would last me until dinner. And 2 pieces of boiled plantain for dinner would last me until breakfast. But honestly, I don't know if the foods I mentioned have low carbohydrate. I am just assuming they are.
When I am on a diet against carbs, my refuge is the root crops and plantain. My problem in avoiding rice is the pang of hunger that haunts me. In effect, I would be snacking frequently otherwise I would be in a bad mood. With sweet potato and taro, I feel full likewise with plantain. Boiled sweet potato or taro can be my lunch that would last me until dinner. And 2 pieces of boiled plantain for dinner would last me until breakfast. But honestly, I don't know if the foods I mentioned have low carbohydrate. I am just assuming they are.

Those foods do have carbs, but I think they are extremely healthy foods if you can eat them and feel well! I also find that I do not have energy if I completely cut all carbs out of my diet. The carbs we should all be cutting are white refined flours and sugars and such.

All carbs are not the same, for sure! Sweet potatoes and even white potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals. Lucky you to have plantain for dinner! Rice is high in protein and vitamins and minerals as well. Beans and legumes also have carbs, but if you feel well after eating them, the benefits outweigh the carbs. :)
You are correct that there is a big difference in the types of carbs. The key to eating low carb is avoiding the ones that quickly raise your blood sugar.

Beans, seeds, nuts, wild rice, foods rich in fiber... those are some of the "good carbs." It's all the starch, like flour and sugar that we should be trying to avoid or at least limit.

Also, keep in mind that *low carb* does not mean *no carb*. It's not a good idea to try to completely remove carbohydrates from your diet. Balance and moderation are important.
When I am on a diet against carbs, my refuge is the root crops and plantain. My problem in avoiding rice is the pang of hunger that haunts me. In effect, I would be snacking frequently otherwise I would be in a bad mood. With sweet potato and taro, I feel full likewise with plantain. Boiled sweet potato or taro can be my lunch that would last me until dinner. And 2 pieces of boiled plantain for dinner would last me until breakfast. But honestly, I don't know if the foods I mentioned have low carbohydrate. I am just assuming they are.

You can have rice. just try to limit it to brown, and 1/2 cup serving for 1 meal a day.
You can have rice. just try to limit it to brown, and 1/2 cup serving for 1 meal a day.

We once have tried the brown rice. It is the special type that was harvested by the mountain side (that's according to the label on the packaging). Unfortunately, it didn't taste good enough so no one in the house ate it. They want the white rice which they are used to. They said that the brown rice tastes "dirty" so they wouldn't eat. I understand that brown rice has more health benefits than white rice but I cannot argue with the taste buds of the people here.
We once have tried the brown rice. It is the special type that was harvested by the mountain side (that's according to the label on the packaging). Unfortunately, it didn't taste good enough so no one in the house ate it. They want the white rice which they are used to. They said that the brown rice tastes "dirty" so they wouldn't eat. I understand that brown rice has more health benefits than white rice but I cannot argue with the taste buds of the people here.

LOL my husband is diabetic and feels the same way about brown rice and pasta. LOL! just cook the white rice and portion it out. I like to make a large batch and freeze it in portion sizes. I use I large re-sealable freezer bag, and measure 1/2 cup servings and put into Snack size bags seal and then into the larger freezer bag. when I want some, I just pull it out, take it out of the bag, put it in a microwave safe bowl. add 1 teaspoon of water cover and microwave for 45 seconds or until hot and ready to eat.
I haven't had issues with brown rice tasting dirty, but I don't blame them for not liking that. Maybe it needs to be soaked or at least rinsed before cooking?

I like brown rice. I prefer the long grain rice though.
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