Minced Garlic

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
4:18 AM
Detroit, USA

Anthony Bourdain had very specific ideas about garlic. He believed that there was a sanctity to fresh garlic. He also believed that minced garlic was such an abomination that you should forfeit your use of garlic forever if you ever use it. I can understand this feeling.

Until recently, I never used minced garlic. But, when the supermarket is selling 2 pound jars of minced garlic for $4.27, I don’t mind modifying my policy. As you can see, I have used quite a bit of it. I have made recipes where I loaded up on the garlic. The flavor has been good. I’ve also basically substituted onion with garlic in other recipes.

All this garlic also reinforced what a garlic head I am. I love roasted garlic in anything savory. To be honest, I probably won’t go out and buy a jar of minced garlic again, unless the price is this good.

What are your thoughts on buying minced garlic?
I buy minced garlic from Central California, near Monterey Peninsula. Yes, it is in a jar, but the fresh garlic I can get at the grocery store is from who knows where, and generally has very little flavor. It's kinda' like why I buy canned tomatoes, the fresh ones at the supermarket have almost no flavor.

I've looked at various ways to store garlic, such as pickling it. If I can find a way to do that, and it is better than what I can buy already preserved in a jar, I'd order some Gilroy garlic, and do my own pickling/preserving.

I don't buy it and am not a fan but I used it recently at my son's place and it wasn't bad.
I'm not a garlic snob who eschews any form of garlic thats not fresh and chopped only with a sharp chefs knife 🙄
I have no truck with using a garlic press, especially the very easy to clean OXO good grips one.

I think different garlic forms have different uses and layering different types can give a better flavour but if I was in out and out lazy mode I use cubed frozen garlic.
It loses its pungency (which I sometimes find useful when used raw in dressings), I just use more of it.
It's rare I can't be bothered with the real thing.
I buy minced garlic from Central California, near Monterey Peninsula. Yes, it is in a jar, but the fresh garlic I can get at the grocery store is from who knows where, and generally has very little flavor. It's kinda' like why I buy canned tomatoes, the fresh ones at the supermarket have almost no flavor.

I've looked at various ways to store garlic, such as pickling it. If I can find a way to do that, and it is better than what I can buy already preserved in a jar, I'd order some Gilroy garlic, and do my own pickling/preserving.

Easy to grow, pretty flowers and the leaves are nice too.
Grows wild all over the Mendips.
I love a ride when the sun shines and the smell of wild garlic arrives in your lid 😊
I've used it when I ran a small lodge restaurant as it is convenient.
I prefer fresh and will either chop it or use my pestle and mortar.
I don't like a garlic press. Find it a pain to clean. But thats just my personal view. I can see it's appeal

My OXO one is very easy to clean and the prongs on the opposing handle pop all the garlic out into your pan so no waste either. Quick rinse and it's good to go again. Sadly they've changed the design and it looks as annoying to clean as the rest of them!
I'm a fresh garlic fan. There's no such thing as minced garlic in a jar over here, so there's not really much of a choice. I've used minced garlic at my kids' places and, yeah, it's ok. I still think something happens to it when it's stuffed in that jar, mind you.
My only alternative here is "garlic salt", which is a totally different animal to me.
My OXO one is very easy to clean and the prongs on the opposing handle pop all the garlic out into your pan so no waste either. Quick rinse and it's good to go again. Sadly they've changed the design and it looks as annoying to clean as the rest of them!

I use a micro plane. Its easier to clean than a press I think. I bought the Rolls Royce of garlic presses (WFM) some years ago and now I never use it.

As for 'lazy garlic' I do sometimes use jarred garlic puree. Its a bit acidic but works well in curries.
I use a micro plane. Its easier to clean than a press I think. I bought the Rolls Royce of garlic presses (WFM) some years ago and now I never use it.
I also do that.

I can’t remember the brand name (because I’m too lazy to look it up), but ATK recommended one years ago, and I was set to buy it, and when I found it in the shops, it was nearly $50US, so I skipped on that.
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