Recipe Ms. Mofet's Fruit Sauce/Spread


🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
12 Sep 2022
Local time
2:11 AM
Ms. Mofet's Fruit Sauce/Spread

1/2 C. Apricot preserves
1/2 C. Cherry preserves
1 C. Orange juice
1/4 C. Champagne vinegar (+/- to taste)
1/4 C. Dried cherries
1/4 C. Dried cranberries
1/4 C. Dried pineapple
Several fine grinds of red pepper flakes
Pinch cinnamon
Salt and pepper to taste

Place all the above in a saucepan.
Bring to boil then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes or until thickened.
Remove from heat and use a stick blender, blender, or food processor to puree (small pieces are ok).
Serve hot, warm, or cold with meat (went very well with pork roast, and pork chop), or in a wrap.
(Thickens a bit as it cools)
When cold can be used as a spread.

Pictured below spread on a spinach wrap (smoked ham salad), and pork chop


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I have also dipped crispy Chinese noodles in it like duck sauce or sweet and sour sauce.
It looks really good. I love rich fruit sauces for meats, especially around the holidays. This would be great with some little cocktail meatballs.
I am going to buy pork or chicken soon and make this sauce.
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