Recipe Mussels in Fennel Cream


26 Aug 2020
Local time
10:29 AM
Mussels in Fennel Cream

Serves 2 | Preparation and cooking time 45 min – 1 hour


20-30 g (3 tablespoons) salted butter​
1 large fennel bulb (~200 -250 g)​
1-2 yellow onions (~200 – 250 g)​
6-8 teaspoons sliced/crushed garlic​
1 teaspoon cumin/jeera​
1 teaspoon white peppercorns (willingly inside a screwable steel sieve) or 0,5 teaspoon ground white pepper​
600 ml (2,5 cups) fish broth (or equal amount of water and 2-3 fish broth cubes)​
75 ml corn flour/starch​
~1 kg fresh mussels (or frozen ones with shell; no defrosting required)​
250-300 ml white wine​
200 ml heavy cream​
50 ml fresh parsley​
(salt to taste)​

I found fresh Danish mussels from the local supermarket. Apparently the Baltic Sea is saline enough for (bigger) mussels to thrive in the Danish Straits.


Slice the fennel and onions into thin slivers. Slice/crush the garlic. Melt the butter on medium heat in a high-edged frying pan. Add a teaspoon of cumin, the sliced fennel and onions and fry for ~20 minutes until tender.

Add the garlic and cook for a few minutes more. Add the corn flour and mix. Add the fish broth and pepper and let cook for a minute or two until the broth thickens.

Add the white wine, heavy cream and 2/3 of the parsley. Let simmer while rinsing and scrubbing the mussels. Discard the mussels which remain open during handling.

Pour the broth into a larger pot and add the mussels. Let them cook for four to five minutes. Mix occasionally to ensure that the mussels cook evenly. Discard all mussels which haven’t opened during cooking. Dose the mussels and pour several spoonfuls of broth on top. Garnish with the rest of the parsley and serve with crusty bread and e.g. a glass of crisp Sauvignon Blanc.


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Fennel and seafood is lovely! I like the addition of cumin here to bring the flavour 'down to earth'.

I should add that I'm not a big fan of cream with mussels but I know others are, so do use it sometimes.
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