Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
11:15 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
This Indian inspired dish is a good way to use up left-over potatoes. Its spicy and nutty tasting with a whisper of heat from the mustard seeds and black pepper. The great thing is that the potatoes are good served hot as a side dish or warm/cold as a salad. Plus, its an easy and fast dish to make. Its delicious with plain yoghurt drizzled on top (use vegan yoghurt if you want to keep it vegan). Firmer waxy potatoes work best here. Its tempting to use coriander leaves as a garnish but I think they can eclipse the onion and mustard seed flavour. Chives, which are a member of the allium family, seem to be a better choice here.



(serves 2 as a side dish)
200g cooked potatoes cut into bite sized pieces
1-2 tbsp mustard oil (use vegetable oil if you don’t have mustard oil)
1 tsp brown mustard seeds
1 tsp kalonji seeds (black onion seeds)
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp turmeric
Salt to taste
Chives to garnish
Yoghurt (optional)

  1. In a dry, non-stick frying pan toast the seeds over a medium high heat until they begin to pop. Remove from the pan and set aside.Add the mustard oil to the pan and heat. Add the potatoes and fry until beginning to go golden. You are not looking for crispy potatoes for this dish.
  2. Add the turmeric and gently stir the potatoes to coat them.
  3. Add the toasted seeds, black pepper and salt to taste. Toss the potatoes around so that they all become coated in the seed mixture.
  4. Serve hot, at room temperature or cold, garnished with chopped chives and yoghurt (if using).

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Sounds delish. I really like kalonji seeds. Not sure when I discovered them, but they're great.
This Indian inspired dish is a good way to use up left-over potatoes. Its spicy and nutty tasting with a whisper of heat from the mustard seeds and black pepper. The great thing is that the potatoes are good served hot as a side dish or warm/cold as a salad. Plus, its an easy and fast dish to make. Its delicious with plain yoghurt drizzled on top (use vegan yoghurt if you want to keep it vegan). Firmer waxy potatoes work best here. Its tempting to use coriander leaves as a garnish but I think they can eclipse the onion and mustard seed flavour. Chives, which are a member of the allium family, seem to be a better choice here.
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