My Personal Monsters


Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2021
Local time
8:11 PM
North Ohio
Well, I have been researching nutrition for a long time, decades in fact. there are two things I avoid like the plague;

1. Hydrogenated anything. this means Crisco, margarine and a few other things you would not expect. Always read the label.
B. Sugar. After some extreme research on sugar I find it is very bad.

I have switched from table salt to unrefined salt, which is not cheap.

I avoid carbs, but not completely. Many years ago I did no carbs for a few months to lose weight. And fat does not just go to your ribs and glue itself there, it is processed like anything else. It is carbs that make one fat. Some oils are the wrong kind, and too much can be as bad as carbs, but not worse.

Even with the good salt, I have cut down because I discovered spices. I have many now.

Anyway, enough for my health nut stuff, time for some recipes.

Trying to do low carb most of the times. Will vary. Trying to avoid white wheat flour. Sugar amd sweets is a no, with some exceptions and then balancing off.
am not fanatical about it.
Looking forward to your ideas !😊
Ideas ? Did someone say ideas ?

Ever hear of steak salad ? You got a salad, typical lettuce, tomato, onion and whatnot, probably Italian dressing, then some cheese.

Fry up some steak strips, cut them small enough like, thin... Use Taco seasoning on them. Throw them on top.

And what is wrong with a steak with just say broc and spinach or something like that, no potato.

There are lots of things you can do.

Well, I have been researching nutrition for a long time, decades in fact. there are two things I avoid like the plague;

1. Hydrogenated anything. this means Crisco, margarine and a few other things you would not expect. Always read the label.
B. Sugar. After some extreme research on sugar I find it is very bad.

I have switched from table salt to unrefined salt, which is not cheap.

I avoid carbs, but not completely. Many years ago I did no carbs for a few months to lose weight. And fat does not just go to your ribs and glue itself there, it is processed like anything else. It is carbs that make one fat. Some oils are the wrong kind, and too much can be as bad as carbs, but not worse.

Even with the good salt, I have cut down because I discovered spices. I have many now.

Anyway, enough for my health nut stuff, time for some recipes.


According to some top health officials, sugar is better than high-fructose corn syrup. Soda co.s' were using it in the manufacture of soda pop, but instead, they've went back to using sugar. Which is probably why you no longer see the ads on TV saying that high-fructose corn syrup is just as good as sugar. Please, don't believe the hype! The info on it is proven to be false. :headshake::stop:
Top health officials are the ones who made us number one in obesity, heart disease and diabetes. But hat does not make that statement wrong.

Sugar speeds up some of the chemical processes in the body unecessarily, it causes our bodies to waste the precious nutrients faster. They always get used but some, once you have enough you only need a little teeny bit.

The HFCS is worse, it turns into something very prone to become fat.

Asparatame on the other hand lacks those downsides but after some digestion turns acidic which affects the Ph of the body, which is not good, it makes it more acidic, Too much of that kinda upsets the whole system.

They are still using it in soda, They do not have to put it on the label anymore because it is a soft drink. In fact they tried to lobby to get chocolate milk recassified so they wouldn't have to put it on the label. The government said no. Something good for a change. It is still in there. Think bout their morality, they wanted to give this to your kids without you knowing it. Well I have, ummm whatever, I will not feed anyone else's kids or pets. If a little kid was wandering arond and got in the yard and said they are huingry the only thing I would give them is an apple.

If you want a Coca Cola with real sugar you got two choices, either Mexican or Kosher. Both cost more.

Not sure about Pepsi.

But the problem is, Mexico can afford sugar, why ? Well in about 1900 we started attacking South America and putting in friendly governments for our commercial interests, big one which at the time was the opposite growing season. Those countries we invaded might have hard feelings. I am not sure of this but it makes sense. Why else ? Mexico ? They can afford it and we can't ? What is wrong with this picture ?

All too sweet for me anyway.

Sugar has been said to be one of the main causes of diabetes. it runs in my fam. Before I went into the hospital for gall bladder surgery, I had it. Then I lost weight & it went away. I once weighed close to 300 lbs!! Now I'm down to 233 lbs. I used to go into hyperglycemic attacks like you wouldn't believe!! Now I'm doing what it takes to prevent it from ever coming back. It can really take its toll on you!! :eek:
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I don't think anyone will argue that sugars of any kind are "health foods." Whether it is pure cane sugar or HFCS, it is still sugar to your body. HFCS was only used, because being made from corn, it is heavily subsidized by the US government in the form of farm subsidies. Switching from HFCS to cane sugar was a PR move. It's all sugar.

Artificial sweeteners have their down sides, too -- besides tasting terrible to many, including me.

The key to sugars and health is something called "moderation." Sugars should be a small part of a person's daily nutrition.

Sugar has been said to be one of the main causes of diabetes. it runs in my fam. Before I went into the hospital for gall bladder surgery, I had it. Then I lost weight & it went away. I once weighed close to 300 lbs!! Now I'm down to 233 lbs. I used to go into hyperglycemic attacks like you wouldn't believe!! Now I'm doing what it takes to prevent it from ever coming back. It can really take its toll on you!! :eek:

The main cause of type 2 is the lack of two essential trace minerals, chromium and vanadium. From the dataset;

"Chromium is essential for normal sugar metabolism. It is a component of a compound called glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which works with insulin to move glucose into cells where it can be used to generate energy. Optimal chromium intake appears to decrease the amount of insulin needed to maintain normal blood sugar."

"Good sources of chromium include liver, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, certain spices such as black pepper and thyme, beef, poultry, broccoli, whole grain cereals, bran, wheatgerm and oysters. The chromium content of food varies with the location in which the food is grown"


"Vanadium may act as a co-factor for enzymes involved in blood sugar metabolism, lipid and cholesterol metabolism, bone and tooth development, fertility, thyroid function, hormone production and neurotransmitter metabolism."

"Good sources of vanadium include whole grain breads and cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, root vegetables, parsley, fish, radishes, dill, lettuce and strawberries. The vanadium content of food depends on the soil in which it is grown"

Credit to the book "Vitamins Etc." by Nicola Reavley. They gave a samples online and I saved the parts I wanted. I owuld but the book but can't seem to find how. It was on and so many years ago forget it.

They used to say beware of foreign sources for material but I prefer it. First of all those countries to not lead the world in obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The doctors do not get rich when you get sick either.

And for sugar making things worse, of course. The more you eat the more your pancreas has to process. In some cases people have beaten it just with diet.

I stopped sugar a long time ago. Now I can smell it in a cup of coffee across the room. I cannot bring myself to eat sweets. They almost make me sick. i am into real foods and actually now that excludes BBQ because it is always too sweet.

I watched Steven Raichlen on TV and cringed. Seems he can't make anything without sugar. YIKES ! Emeril is almost as bad.

So it is not that I just avoid sugar because of my taste, I think it is not healthy.

Now less refined sugars have chromium and vanadium. Molasses of course. And I find out there are two different kinds of brown sugar, both with those minerals, one is simply less refined. Some is refined but has molasses added to it, which pretty much accomplishes the same thing.

If you want the database, which has data on 20 oif the 24 esetials just PM me or whateverthey got here wiht an email that can take a small attachment. the whole thing not ZIPped is like 300 KB. And it is all straight HTML, no tricks, no Java no nothing. I personally guarantee no virus or anything bad unless it picks it up on the way.

I've read the book "Pure, White and Deadly" by John Yudkin and the story behind sugar is fascinating me. In my childhood I did consume a lot of sugar and right now I'm using it in many dishes I cook, just a small pinch here and there to play with the taste buds, well unless I'm making deserts, then I go all out.
I'm not against sugar, but there are many things I don't like sweetened like tea or coffee and I don't consume sweets very often.
Stay healthy
The main cause of type 2 is the lack of two essential trace minerals, chromium and vanadium. From the dataset;

"Chromium is essential for normal sugar metabolism. It is a component of a compound called glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which works with insulin to move glucose into cells where it can be used to generate energy. Optimal chromium intake appears to decrease the amount of insulin needed to maintain normal blood sugar."

"Good sources of chromium include liver, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, certain spices such as black pepper and thyme, beef, poultry, broccoli, whole grain cereals, bran, wheatgerm and oysters. The chromium content of food varies with the location in which the food is grown"


"Vanadium may act as a co-factor for enzymes involved in blood sugar metabolism, lipid and cholesterol metabolism, bone and tooth development, fertility, thyroid function, hormone production and neurotransmitter metabolism."

"Good sources of vanadium include whole grain breads and cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, root vegetables, parsley, fish, radishes, dill, lettuce and strawberries. The vanadium content of food depends on the soil in which it is grown"

Credit to the book "Vitamins Etc." by Nicola Reavley. They gave a samples online and I saved the parts I wanted. I owuld but the book but can't seem to find how. It was on and so many years ago forget it.

They used to say beware of foreign sources for material but I prefer it. First of all those countries to not lead the world in obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The doctors do not get rich when you get sick either.

And for sugar making things worse, of course. The more you eat the more your pancreas has to process. In some cases people have beaten it just with diet.

I stopped sugar a long time ago. Now I can smell it in a cup of coffee across the room. I cannot bring myself to eat sweets. They almost make me sick. i am into real foods and actually now that excludes BBQ because it is always too sweet.

I watched Steven Raichlen on TV and cringed. Seems he can't make anything without sugar. YIKES ! Emeril is almost as bad.

So it is not that I just avoid sugar because of my taste, I think it is not healthy.

Now less refined sugars have chromium and vanadium. Molasses of course. And I find out there are two different kinds of brown sugar, both with those minerals, one is simply less refined. Some is refined but has molasses added to it, which pretty much accomplishes the same thing.

If you want the database, which has data on 20 oif the 24 esetials just PM me or whateverthey got here wiht an email that can take a small attachment. the whole thing not ZIPped is like 300 KB. And it is all straight HTML, no tricks, no Java no nothing. I personally guarantee no virus or anything bad unless it picks it up on the way.


Well, I still drink diet sodas & I still use no-cal sweeteners. I don't use Sweet & Low because it still has saccarine in it. Also, I use sugar, but not that much.
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