New Year (Cooking/Baking) Resolutions

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4 Sep 2020
Local time
7:03 PM
Chicago, IL - Midwest USA

We're almost there! Whew. 2020 has been a wild ride. I thought it might be fun to talk about our upcoming resolutions for the New Year. It can be cooking and/or baking goals or any other goals you hope to reach in the coming year.

Recipes - My goal is to try at least two new recipes shared by members per month. I enjoy reading about all the great dishes you all make and have tried my hand at some of them. I'd like to do that more regularly.

Photography - I'd also like to continue learning about food photography and how to make my photos look as appetizing as they taste. I can't believe how much I've learned so far thanks to more experienced members' guidance and encouragement. I'm excited about the challenge.

What are some of your goals for 2021?
I am resolved to continue my epic efforts to not go loopy, by exercising my intellect trying new things and exploring creativity in multiple ways and by doing so, maintain both intellectual and spiritual health.

One year ago, I posted this resolution and guess what? I kept my resolution. And those of you who know me, have heard me chat this up before. It's me and always will be.

My 2022 New Years resolution? Same, but let me make it different. My resolution is to break with current routine. It's been on my mind to do so. More on that next year.
I'm gonna start a new thread for 2022...

Closing this thread now. If you want to add comments about how you did regarding your 2021 resolutions please add them to the new thread....
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