Novice Gardener


2 Mar 2017
Local time
8:27 AM
Wales - the Welsh bit

For the first time I’m growing vegetables. This is more an attempt to manage my stress levels and auto immune disorder than anything else. I’m ridiculous excited about my potatoes - which seem to be growing!
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You are doing better than me! None of the veg/herb seeds I planted have come up yet although some flower bulbs have. I think growing things is very good indeed for stress.
Not much more planted out yet but have a few things in the glasshouse. It’s still quite cold here and giving frost for Sunday evening.

Yes, it’s making me get outside in fresh air , which can only be a good thing.
Just got peas popping up now in my propagation area. Weather has been very mild, around 15 to 22 and only a few frosts so far. Still growing lettuces spring onions and radishes. It's great to decide to make a salad, and go into the garden and pick a lettuce , a few radishes and spring onions.

I am late this year. This morning I planted my heirloom tomato seeds in 4" starter pots. I have 4 4' x 4' table height planting boxes
The soil needs to be refreshed. I also need to refresh my herb pots and ornamental patio pots. So lots of soil = $$$
My parish (county) has a compost facility
I can get a trailer load of compost FREE
I like free. Unfortunately I do not have a hitch on my car. I have to wait for G to hook up the trailer and pick up the compost
I am hoping he can do so Monday or Tuesday
The tomatoes will be ready to plant in 2 weeks
I will direct seed cucumbers and Bush beans
I will purchase starter plants for an assortment of peppers, eggplant, Summer squash and cantaloupe
Fill, thyme, rosemary and sage are still growing in the herb pots
I need another sage pot, 2 or 3 basil and some parsley, cilantro and oregano
I grow indeterminate heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and cantaloupe vertically.
I get a lot of produce from a small amount of space
Love Square Foot Gardening
We planted our potatoes on the allotment a few weeks ago.... but we've been on holiday for a couple of weeks so goodness knows how they're doing as the weather has apparently been a bit up and down in terms of temperature. Fingers crossed they're ok.

Our tomatoes are being looked after by the mother in law so they should be fine. We do have some seedlings in the greenhouse being watered a timer though... really hope its working!
I am late this year. This morning I planted my heirloom tomato seeds in 4" starter pots. I have 4 4' x 4' table height planting boxes
The soil needs to be refreshed. I also need to refresh my herb pots and ornamental patio pots. So lots of soil = $$$
My parish (county) has a compost facility
I can get a trailer load of compost FREE
I like free. Unfortunately I do not have a hitch on my car. I have to wait for G to hook up the trailer and pick up the compost
I am hoping he can do so Monday or Tuesday
The tomatoes will be ready to plant in 2 weeks
I will direct seed cucumbers and Bush beans
I will purchase starter plants for an assortment of peppers, eggplant, Summer squash and cantaloupe
Fill, thyme, rosemary and sage are still growing in the herb pots
I need another sage pot, 2 or 3 basil and some parsley, cilantro and oregano
I grow indeterminate heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and cantaloupe vertically.
I get a lot of produce from a small amount of space
Love Square Foot Gardening

Sounds real good, do you not get squirrels and other pests eating your plants, I know my murican friends have trouble with pests.

The squirrels raid my bird feeder and leave the garden alone. In my Master Gardener program I learned that birds peck tomatoes for water. A pie tin of water in each box solves that problem. My nemesis are tomato horn worms and cabbage worms. Early in the season I can pluck them by patrolling my boxes twice daily. Later in the season with larger, bushier plants I have to resort to BT. It is a biologic. Not a poison.
If you are interested in maximizing production in a small amount of space research Square Foot Gardening. My boxes used to be at ground level
Age and physical limitations has made ground level boxes difficult to work
My Honey built 4 4' x 4' table height boxes. He used rebar and conduit to make frames for vertical growing
I love my boxes and my sweet George for building them for me
The squirrels raid my bird feeder and leave the garden alone. In my Master Gardener program I learned that birds peck tomatoes for water. A pie tin of water in each box solves that problem. My nemesis are tomato horn worms and cabbage worms. Early in the season I can pluck them by patrolling my boxes twice daily. Later in the season with larger, bushier plants I have to resort to BT. It is a biologic. Not a poison.
If you are interested in maximizing production in a small amount of space research Square Foot Gardening. My boxes used to be at ground level
Age and physical limitations has made ground level boxes difficult to work
My Honey built 4 4' x 4' table height boxes. He used rebar and conduit to make frames for vertical growing
I love my boxes and my sweet George for building them for me

We are lucky in that we have a big section, my wife does everything. I'm the human wheelbarrow that moves and builds stuff. She also has 2 greenhouses. Space is not a problem here. Worst thing we have are slugs, but wife lays pellets out for them. This year has been low in produce due to very hot weather. Last year we picked 9 kg of strawberries. This year less than 2.

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For the first time I’m growing vegetables. This is more an attempt to manage my stress levels and auto immune disorder than anything else. I’m ridiculous excited about my potatoes - which seem to be growing!

:thumbsup:. They will taste amazing. I found them easy to grow, keep topping up the soil until it is at the top, water regularly and that is it. I hope you will be as successful as we have been :happy:
Bravo you for turning to gardening for the therapeutic value.
Not to discourage you but your pots are much too small
Growing potatoes in a container requires at least a 5 gallon bucket per plant
Make sure the bucket has good drainage
Plant the eye or the seed potato in 6" of soil
As the plant grows add more soil
Continue until the soil reaches the top of the bucket
Potatoes will grow all up and down the buried stem
MANY years ago a friend gave us a steel drum. G cut it in half across the equator. He drilled 1 1/2" holes in the bottom and on the sides
IDK what had been stored in that drum. Probably some petroleum product
I scrubbed that drum within an inch of it's life
We planted potatoes
I had more potatoes than I could deal with
We started with eyes in 6" of soil
As the plants grew we added more soil
The crop was crazy amazing
Good luck to you
Gardening is a wonderful antidote for stress, depression, anxiety and many other disorders. I suffer from persistent depressive disorder. I have lost count of the various medications that I have been prescribed. My BEST therapy is the garden.
When I walk into the house hot and sweaty with soil under my nails I am a much better person.
Take care of yourself. IDK if you are a believer but I will include you in my daily prayers.
I only grow a few things, the wife does most of it, but I grow new potatoes, cliff kidney brand. They are sweet wee morsels with butter. I could eat them every night. I plant about 8 seed potatoes every week so I get continue supply. My friends have been known to "pop" round and dig enough for a feed. When I'm on my holidays at Xmas.

Bravo you for turning to gardening for the therapeutic value.
Not to discourage you but your pots are much too small
Growing potatoes in a container requires at least a 5 gallon bucket per plant
Make sure the bucket has good drainage
Plant the eye or the seed potato in 6" of soil
As the plant grows add more soil
Continue until the soil reaches the top of the bucket
Potatoes will grow all up and down the buried stem
MANY years ago a friend gave us a steel drum. G cut it in half across the equator. He drilled 1 1/2" holes in the bottom and on the sides
IDK what had been stored in that drum. Probably some petroleum product
I scrubbed that drum within an inch of it's life
We planted potatoes
I had more potatoes than I could deal with
We started with eyes in 6" of soil
As the plants grew we added more soil
The crop was crazy amazing
Good luck to you
Gardening is a wonderful antidote for stress, depression, anxiety and many other disorders. I suffer from persistent depressive disorder. I have lost count of the various medications that I have been prescribed. My BEST therapy is the garden.
When I walk into the house hot and sweaty with soil under my nails I am a much better person.
Take care of yourself. IDK if you are a believer but I will include you in my daily prayers.

I think you mean @LadyBelle :wink:
Well potatoes are grown but not ready for harvesting. Herbs are doing well. Courgette and squash about to be planted outside in the raised beds. Radish growing, beetroot popping up. Tomatoes and cucumber in the glasshouse. Fennel, carrots and cabbage in.

Last but not least sweetpeas so that I have lovely scented flowers for the house.
Well potatoes are grown but not ready for harvesting. Herbs are doing well. Courgette and squash about to be planted outside in the raised beds. Radish growing, beetroot popping up. Tomatoes and cucumber in the glasshouse. Fennel, carrots and cabbage in.

Last but not least sweetpeas so that I have lovely scented flowers for the house.

How wonderful - you are dong incredibly well for a novice!
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