

29 Mar 2015
Local time
3:43 AM
I have heard nuts are a good go to protein to help with hunger. However, I have also heard that they have a lot of fat. Well I don' t want to gain weight nor retain weight. Yet, I enjoy nuts and prefer them over bread and deli meat for lunch. In comparison which is better nuts or a deli meat sandwich for one overall health? Any insights are welcome.
Nuts are good for you as long as you're not allergic to them. And yes, some or all of them have fats or oils. But nothing much to worry about. :wink:
Peanut butter has once been said to be a meat substitute. Don't know if it still is or not. :wink:
What I do often with nuts is add them to salads and mixed fruit. Sunflower seed and Pepito go very well in cooked rice. Just to eat nuts as a stand alone alternative can be disheartening because they are high in fat content. You would feel like you want to eat many more nuts then what you need dietary wise.The calorie count on just a 1/4 cup of nuts is high compared to how many nuts you actually get.

Mixing them in salads especially add a nice texture and make you feel more full. i have gotten so I also like to include chia seed. I experiment and add nuts to just about anything that looks like it might work well. Green Beans with almond is really good, almost any vegetable stir fry can include some sort of nut. .
Nuts are a healthier snacking item ,I can have some in my pocket on all day cycle rides,like a lot of foods ok in moderation,but they do have side effects with me ,nothing to serious ,for me :oops:

a touch of wind
Nuts are a healthier snacking item ,I can have some in my pocket on all day cycle rides,like a lot of foods ok in moderation,but they do have side effects with me ,nothing to serious ,for me :oops:

a touch of wind
have you tried soaking them overnight and then drying them out before taking them out on the bike ride? you may find it helps.... dry them in a very low oven if you don't have a dehydrator. Unless it isn't an issue that is? :laugh: I find it usually stops my husband sitting on my rear wheel!
Nuts are absolutely not a meal replacement. The deli sandwich gives you a lot of nutrition than the nuts will not and therefore should not be substituted, but maybe added to. With the meal you get protein from the meat, vitamins and minerals from the veggies that you choose to go on the sandwich, and dietary fiber from the bread. If you are not a fan of "bready" sandwiches, those in which there is too much bread, you can have them slice the bread thin. I have also found these new sandwich rounds sold at stores that are very thin, almost like an english muffin but softer.
Nuts are absolutely not a meal replacement. The deli sandwich gives you a lot of nutrition than the nuts will not and therefore should not be substituted, but maybe added to. With the meal you get protein from the meat, vitamins and minerals from the veggies that you choose to go on the sandwich, and dietary fiber from the bread. If you are not a fan of "bready" sandwiches, those in which there is too much bread, you can have them slice the bread thin. I have also found these new sandwich rounds sold at stores that are very thin, almost like an english muffin but softer.

Wrong. Not true. :stop:
Go to the link below and see.
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So I have read through the postings and I am not sure where to land. I snack on nuts everyday and truth be told I do not usually check the labels. I just like them and use them as a filler or something like that. I actually have never researched them. Maybe it's one of those things I want to keep eating without having to think about whether they are good or bad for me. Maybe I will read Shermie's link???
I have heard nuts are a good go to protein to help with hunger. However, I have also heard that they have a lot of fat. Well I don' t want to gain weight nor retain weight. Yet, I enjoy nuts and prefer them over bread and deli meat for lunch. In comparison which is better nuts or a deli meat sandwich for one overall health? Any insights are welcome.
Nuts have what's called good fat, just as avocado does, all fat is not bad, but in general nuts won't add much weight to the belly, I just try not to over do it, and it works out for me.
Nuts are pretty healthy but if a person eats too many they can be pretty fattening. I love most nuts except cashews. My favorite are almonds, pecans, & peanuts. I enjoy using crushed nuts on top of a cakes icing. I really enjoy eating them in a trail mix with raisins. I usually keep them in my pocketbook during those times when I am eating on the run.
I used to think peanuts were fattening as well because of all the talks of it being really bad for you in my family (they didn't even have a basis or proof, they just had that mindset) but after some researches and from other people's experiences, I found nuts are really healthy and each kind has different nutrients to offer. It's a good snack especially when you're on the go or when you're on a diet and you want to snack on something.
We are fond of nuts so expect pistachio, almonds and the like when we have a gathering. Yesterday I went to my sister's house for an informal gathering of siblings and our family. I brought a pack of walnuts, about a kilo. Upon arriving, I placed it on the table for sharing. I was expecting it to be put on a tray and served to us. But then I forgot all about it and remembered when I was leaving for home. My brother got the pack of walnut and put it his car. So greedy, hahahaaa.
I think a deli meat sandwich is better because you have protein, carbs and veggies in one but did you know that nuts are also very good for our brain? Nuts are brain foods because it helps sharpen our memory. I was advised to eat brain foods because I use to forget a lot of things and it really helped. So aside from the fact that it's yummy, it also has nice benefits for our body especially our brain.
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