Oops. We ran into some problems - that error message

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:08 PM
SE Australia
Yeah, that error message. I know we are all getting it from time to time and often don't know why. Well I think we've tracked down what combination of words is causing the issues.


Both of the two words together in the order above, in lowercase, in the same post cause the error message.

If you use "choose" instead of Select, or capitalise the S in Select, or the F from From, you'll be fine, but you can't have both words together in lowercase in the same post in the order above.

This also applies to Selects, Selection, Selections, Selecting, Selected and so on...
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And just to clarify, you can use the word from before the word select, but not after it (even if there are other words between them).

Capitalising one of the words or changing to a different word will get around this issue.
One more thing that I've found out gets checked for that word are filenames. If you insert an image as a thumbnail or fullsize image, the filename gets checked for that word. So you'll either need to rename your image or leave it as an attachment so the system sees that it has not been inserted into the post and adds it to the end. This is because the system uses code to place the file into a particular point in the post and part of that code uses the full filename...
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