Oregano Ideas


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
5:25 AM
Ohio, US
My oregano is really taking off, and I'm used to the standard things, like herbed omelettes, or making an herbed butter, but fresh oregano isn't an herb I use much.

What are some of your favorite ways to use fresh oregano?
Its fantastic in a pizza sauce. It goes really well with tomato, so add it to any tomato sauce based dishes. Use it in bolognese or chilli. It dries very well too, so you might consider drying some for use in winter.

Its closely related to marjoram and also thyme. So you could sub it in almost any recipe containing those herbs.

I also add it to salads, sparingly.
I have a huge oregano plant this year. It survived the winter, and exploded with growth this spring.

I use it with all kinds of pasta dishes. It is always in my red sauce. And, yes, it will substitute for thyme in a lot of recipes. And, yes, it does dry well. Just rub the dried oregano between your hands to bring out the oils right before you use it. That really makes the flavor bloom.

Our plant is big as well, I use it a lot in recipes, but mainly its dried here in a machine then I chop and put in Jars. Using it fresh in summer I make about 6 X 2 litre containers of pasta sauce, tomatoes from the garden mixed with fresh basil and oregano and other things and frozen in the garage freezer. I have about 10 pottle there now for this winter. We eat smoked chicken fettucine a lot. I also make small batches for chicken parmas and freeze also.

All good ideas! Thanks, everyone!

I also noticed my oregano is actually spreading quite a bit. 😳
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