Popular local drinks

3 Jul 2014
Local time
11:47 AM
What are the most popular local cold beverages in your country? I am not referring to sodas or alcoholic drinks.

In my country, the most popular cold beverages are lemonade, ginger beer, mauby and sorrel. Most people would be familiar with lemonade, ginger beer and sorrel, but mauby is a local drink that may not be well known elsewhere. It is made from the mauby bark which is quite bitter. It is a very good thirst quencher, but those who come to our island and taste this drink for the first time, do not have a liking for it because of the bitter taste. However, they get used to it after having it a few times. Lots of sugar is usually added to this drink, and if it has a lot of ice added, that makes for a very refreshing.drink.

Sorrel is very popular here too, but is mostly used at Christmas time, although we would drink it occasionally at other times of the year too. I cannot remember a Christmas that I did not have sorrel.
Aside from juices, the most popular with the kids is the Mogu-mogu. It is a drink with solids that are actually nata de coco - that palm fungi that looks like the palm fruit. The mix is a sweet concoction but the solids serve as a diversion so you enjoy more the drink. Another popular drink is the C2 which is a variety of ice tea. We usually bring that during excursions because the children would always be looking for it in the cooler.
I'd say it's probably fresh juices and shakes made from mango, avocado, coconut, and melon. The most popular is probably coconut juice and you can get this everywhere! Fresh from the local market or bottled in grocery stores.
I live in a fairly tropical country so coconut drinks sell for cheap here and people get pretty creative with the coconuts. There are coconut shakes, juices, cocktails and even coconut ice cream. Aside from coconut tea is also popular especially green or black tea. Our land also supports a lot of banana, pineapple and mango crops so drinks made from them are also a bonus.
That's what the mauby bar looks like that Caribbean girl spoke about. I honestly don't see a lot of it anymore and I have been buying the or concentrated mauby and simply added water to taste. I try not to get too much into it because this version can be very sweet depending on the amount of water you decide to use.

I just stopped and Googled this further. I might have to go back to buying the bark. It's suppose to be good for hypertension and more. Hmmm
Aside from beer I can't really think of any cold beverages that my area would be known for. All I can really think that may be popular are slushies and ice cappuccinos. Other then that there is nothing that really stands out that would be any different in a lot of other areas.
Apple juice is getting in vogue in my area ,some great orchards turning out refined several varieties of apple juice ,and gin on the alcoholic front with locally grown wasabi
Honestly, it's hard for me to think of anything that is popular here. I feel like living in California, the only thing that's popular is In-N-Out burgers. I suppose people do have a big love for coffee here. You can find a coffee shop pretty much anywhere on almost every corner. We also seem to like cocktail bars nowadays.
I like this picture of our local golden apples. One with the skin, one peeled and then the seed. The golden apple drink which is made with this fruit is a big, big favourite of mine. Surprisingly, I have not made it myself but I crave it so often.
The most popular drink here in our place is our "Banana Milk" or what we called here "Banana Uyu"....Uyu means milk here in our place. Young and old people make it their habit to drink this banana milk everyday.

Our Banana Milk had a simple and not that sweet taste and a very healthy kind of drink.

Me too I am also a lover of this delicious Banana Uyu...

The most popular drink here in our place is our "Banana Milk" or what we called here "Banana Uyu"....Uyu means milk here in our place. Young and old people make it their habit to drink this banana milk everyday.

Our Banana Milk had a simple and not that sweet taste and a very healthy kind of drink.

Me too I am also a lover of this delicious Banana Uyu...


Banana milk reminds me of childhood milkshakes. It was my favourite then. But I wouldn't go for it now as I've lost my sweet tooth. Is this a sweet drink?

But I don't know which country you mean by 'here in this place' ! Please (pretty please) put your location under your picture. To see how, follow this link: How to add your location to below your avatar
Ice Tea and Lemonade seem to be the favorite drink for the younger set.
Banana milk reminds me of childhood milkshakes. It was my favourite then. But I wouldn't go for it now as I've lost my sweet tooth. Is this a sweet drink?

But I don't know which country you mean by 'here in this place' ! Please (pretty please) put your location under your picture. To see how, follow this link: How to add your location to below your avatar

Banana Uyu...Which is banana milk in english is a popular drink here in South Korea.
What are the most popular local cold beverages in your country? I am not referring to sodas or alcoholic drinks.

In my country, the most popular cold beverages are lemonade, ginger beer, mauby and sorrel. Most people would be familiar with lemonade, ginger beer and sorrel, but mauby is a local drink that may not be well known elsewhere. It is made from the mauby bark which is quite bitter. It is a very good thirst quencher, but those who come to our island and taste this drink for the first time, do not have a liking for it because of the bitter taste. However, they get used to it after having it a few times. Lots of sugar is usually added to this drink, and if it has a lot of ice added, that makes for a very refreshing.drink.

Sorrel is very popular here too, but is mostly used at Christmas time, although we would drink it occasionally at other times of the year too. I cannot remember a Christmas that I did not have sorrel.
Wow, I never heard of mauby or sorrel. I think maybe the most popular drink here in the South would be sweet tea. It is served in all the restaurants. Whenever you go to a restaurant in the South and order iced tea they ask you if you want it sweetened or unsweetened. Sweet tea is Ok, but I generally prefer my tea unsweetened. I like a bit of artificial sweetener when I drink my tea.
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