Preserving lemons


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
6:17 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
i have 2 trees so I'm trying a method like this, a friend got me some rock salt, so that's all I need. Put salt in bottom of a jar, about half an inch, Then cut 6 slits in a lemon lengthways. Almost right through, then pack with salt and place in jar. Pack jar out this way then top with lemon juice. Seal for longer the better. Ready in a month. I'll put pics up when I do this. Prolly tomorrow. I have frozen cubes in freezer from earlier picks so that will be the juice.

i have 2 trees so I'm trying a method like this, a friend got me some rock salt, so that's all I need. Put salt in bottom of a jar, about half an inch, Then cut 6 slits in a lemon lengthways. Almost right through, then pack with salt and place in jar. Pack jar out this way then top with lemon juice. Seal for longer the better. Ready in a month. I'll put pics up when I do this. Prolly tomorrow. I have frozen cubes in freezer from earlier picks so that will be the juice.


Thats the way to do it! I look forward to seeing the pics - I'm sure we have another thread about this somewhere.
I couldn't find anything so posted that. If it gets your tick of approval, I'm happy. End result it's cost me exactly nothing.


Oh no problem. We like new threads and it doesn't matter if there is another one at all. I can always add a link here if I find it. Pickled/preserved lemons are always in my cupboard but I confess I haven'y made my own in a long time. This thread is right 'on-topic' too, for The CookingBites Prize Challenge: Moroccan Food!

I've made Preserved Limes, which work exactly the same way, though I do usually make preserved lemons. I add peppercorns and bay leaves, but really all you need are the citrus and the salt.

Hmm....I had a thought to try making preserved grapefruit, but I'm concerned with how bitter the pith is. Needless to say, I'm going to give it a try anyway.
Hmm....I had a thought to try making preserved grapefruit, but I'm concerned with how bitter the pith is. Needless to say, I'm going to give it a try anyway.

I adore grapefruit because of that bitterness. I think it could be sensational - but grapefruits are much much bigger than lemons or lime. Would you chop them up?
I adore grapefruit because of that bitterness. I think it could be sensational - but grapefruits are much much bigger than lemons or lime. Would you chop them up?

I’m not sure if you can see, but I cut two grapefruit into eight pieces each, and added coriander seeds as well as the usual salt. I’ll let you know in about a month how it turned out.

I'm either a little older than you TLNG or maybe it is just a different part of the country thing, but I remember them being called pink when I was a little girl. It was a treat for me to get pink grapefruit back then as the store usually only had the yellow kind. Somewhere along the line, they changed pink to red. Maybe a marketing thing in that "pink" is generally associated with girly stuff?
I'm either a little older than you TLNG or maybe it is just a different part of the country thing, but I remember them being called pink when I was a little girl. It was a treat for me to get pink grapefruit back then as the store usually only had the yellow kind. Somewhere along the line, they changed pink to red. Maybe a marketing thing in that "pink" is generally associated with girly stuff?

Do you think they taste any different if they are red (pink)?
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