
Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
1:40 PM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
One of my Neighborhood Gal Pals gave me 2 dozen fresh Peaches yesterday.
I wanted to make simple canned peaches today for my Mother.
I wasn't quite sure as to how many jars I would use and I usually sterilize and heat 1-2 extra mason jars and 2 part sealing lids.
I wound up with three jars leftover.

Here's my question:
Now that I've heated the lid, the part of with the gum/rubber/whatever it is, and didn't use it, can I save it, heat again for another canning project?

My end product
Down here we "bottle" our veges etc. Peaches which I love I would do a 50/50 water and sugar. Heat jars up in oven 120c then put fruit in and pour boiled syrup in and seal. I'm third generation bottler here.

I would not use them again. I have done some canning and I always buy new lid seals, but I reuse the rings and jars. It was common knowledge that you don't reuse those. I grew up in a family that canned e everything using the water bath method and my mom, aunts and everyone else that helped were of that opinion.
I´ve canned hundreds and thousands of jars. At one stage, my company was producing 200 cases (x24 jars) each month. Every lid has a rubber/latex seal in it, which will generally tolerate ONE reheating, but perhaps no more. I re-use them once. Never had a problem, but after one renewal, there´s a bigger chance that the seal will stretch or stress and therefore render itself useless.
I'm watching with interest but I've no idea as I have never canned anything in my life!
I've always heard you shouldn't re-use them. I don't know if that meant they were actually used or just sterilized. However, since you can buy just the lids really cheaply, don't think I'd take the chance that you can safely reheat and use them. Just my opinion though...
I've always heard you shouldn't re-use them. I don't know if that meant they were actually used or just sterilized. However, since you can buy just the lids really cheaply, don't think I'd take the chance that you can safely reheat and use them. Just my opinion though...

I agree. Lids are cheap. Besides, you can always use the lids you heated for something that doesn't require a sterile seal, so as refrigerated pickles -- or anything that is not being contained for long-term storage.

I agree. Lids are cheap. Besides, you can always use the lids you heated for something that doesn't require a sterile seal, so as refrigerated pickles -- or anything that is not being contained for long-term storage.

I have made quick pickled peppers reusing pepper juice from a previous jar just by boiling the liquid and pouring it over the fresh peppers, sterilizing the jar and lid, and then I immediately stored them in the refrigerator and they were just fine.
Use it, no problem.
I was kinda waiting for you to chime in.
I did not sterilize the lid, it was simply washed it, placed in a pot of hot water and never used.

And have looked for canning supplies lately?
VERY difficult to come by, at least here in Cowboyville Arizona USA. Loads of folks home can and given the times we're in ...

I watched this gal in the Walmart standing in the aisle way, waiting for the employee to finish un-wrapping a small palate of Mason jars, which she immediately grabbed and put in her cart, then ran to check out before someone tried to steal them from her.
I seen folks actually, physically fighting, fists to cuff, over Mason Jars, lids, rings, the whole lot!!! I'm not kidding!

I had to stop giving my home-canned goods away to folks, `cuz they don't return the jars!!! Only Mom, `cuz she wants to get more from me in the future :happy:
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