Ring/Text tones


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:44 AM
Ohio, US
Question of pure frivolity:

Do you have specific ring and/or text tones assigned to any of the various contacts saved on your phone?

If so, did you assign them based on the contact’s personality, or did you just randomly choose different ones.

I have specific ones assigned to family and friends. One person is a very good-humored joker, so he has a sort of clown-car horn for his tone. Another person, she has a train whistle, because her life is a train wreck, and when she shows up, it’s like a train barreling right into the room.

One of my brothers is an avid fisherman, so he gets a radar sound for his, to represent a fish-finder on his boat, and MrsT, she she’s a blast of royal horns, because she’s above everyone else in the hierarchy.

I have others, but that’s a sampling. How about everyone else here, do you do anything like that?
I did on my old phone but haven't bothered on my new phone. I used either their favorite song or a song that pertained to that person(s), like Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 for work.
Do you have specific ring and/or text tones assigned to any of the various contacts saved on your phone?

I used to have "Porn Star Dancing" assigned to my wife's cell number. I couldn't find the song for free any longer when I replaced my phone.

My mom used to have "Crazy Train" assigned to her.
For phones calls, it's just the "old phone" ring and then for any text it's the whistle/tweet sound.
I get very few telephone calls on my phone, now DH, he's assigned a ring tone to our Grand Nephew, so he can tell just by the sound DON'T ANSWER IT!!!!
I did on my old phone but haven't bothered on my new phone. I used either their favorite song or a song that pertained to that person(s), like Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 for work.

Ditto. Sometime when I'm bored, I need to set up some custom ring tones on the new iPhone.

I wonder how a ringtone of the sound of a machine gun firing would go over in public? :scratchhead:
Dunno, but I once had a frog ringtone. Over here there are very tiny frogs (which I believe were imported from Puerto Rico) that sing all night long, mostly in the rainy season. But the little fellas get everywhere.
I once set my ringtone off in an elevator. you should have seen the people looking around for the little frog!
Dunno, but I once had a frog ringtone. Over here there are very tiny frogs (which I believe were imported from Puerto Rico) that sing all night long, mostly in the rainy season.

Ah, you must mean the coquí. They were all over in Puerto Rico, and yes, they sang at night.

Dunno, but I once had a frog ringtone. Over here there are very tiny frogs (which I believe were imported from Puerto Rico) that sing all night long, mostly in the rainy season. But the little fellas get everywhere.
I once set my ringtone off in an elevator. you should have seen the people looking around for the little frog!
OMG, when we lived in the house on the lake, you could hear the sounds of the buffo toads mating calls for hours while we were trying to sleep in the spring, even through closed windows with A/C on.
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