Site Tweaks and Updates


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:05 PM
SE Australia
One or two of you :whistling: may have noticed that you received a number of 'trophies' yesterday and that today some of the 'titles' have changed. I have needed to make a few tweaks to the site now that it has been going for around 4 1/2 years to take into account new members, old members and everyone in between and well just adjust to changes (and personally I didn't want to be called a Forum God! I'm just not ready for that one yet! <cough>).

As such, over the next few weeks, you will probably notice a few more, minor changes. None of it will be major, and nothing is going to happen to the site. It is just I need to extend things like the member titles and trophies, clarify some of the existing guidelines, introduce some new ones, write various help files and how to files, try to get the media options up and running properly and to update the T&Cs.

I will keep you all up to date here on the progress but if anyone has any ideas for the site, to help with any of the above, or ideas on how to expand the site, a need for a new forum/sub-forum or perhaps less forums, one you see that is not needed anymore or perhaps ideas on how to use the media option within our cooking environment, please drop me a PM directly and I talk to you about it and consider how it can fit into the site.

Many thanks
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