Sorting lentils (and dried beans)


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
4:53 AM
Ohio, US
I suppose this could go in the vegetable section, but since I’m currently dealing with some lentils, I put it here.

Anyway, every recipe I’ve ever followed that uses dried lentils, beans, or peas always says to sort through them first and pitch out any debris (specifically usually mentioning stones/pebbles) and any broken ones.

I’ve done this every time, and in 25+ years of cooking with them, I’ve yet to find a single pebble…or twig…or packet of matches or whatever else qualifies as debris.

Also, I’m not sure what the problem with a broken bean would be - I assume it would just cook through/down like the unbroken ones. 🤷‍♂️

How about you, do you pick through your dried lentils/beans/peas for foreign matter?
I did when I started cooking. Now I never do.
Nay, Ray..I think processing techniques have improved over the years..I just go ahead and figure I'll find something during cooking or when I go to to shove some of it in my mouth..
I suppose this could go in the vegetable section, but since I’m currently dealing with some lentils, I put it here.

Anyway, every recipe I’ve ever followed that uses dried lentils, beans, or peas always says to sort through them first and pitch out any debris (specifically usually mentioning stones/pebbles) and any broken ones.

I’ve done this every time, and in 25+ years of cooking with them, I’ve yet to find a single pebble…or twig…or packet of matches or whatever else qualifies as debris.

Also, I’m not sure what the problem with a broken bean would be - I assume it would just cook through/down like the unbroken ones. 🤷‍♂️

How about you, do you pick through your dried lentils/beans/peas for foreign matter?
It depends on the origin of the lentils and beans.

If they are sold loose, then yes because grit and stones can be added to pad out the weight.

If they are sealed, bagged, shop bought (from a reputable source), then no I don't.
I will say that I do not check all loose sold lentils and beans/peas because some of the loose bulk stores are reputable, just not all of them are.
I used to sort them through back in the 70s and 80s.
I gave up a long while ago, because no stones, grit or debris anywhere to be seen.
I think that's a sort of outdated piece of advice now; like salting aubergines to remove bitterness, and washing rice before cooking it.
I sort through them.
My dentist bill would be horrendous if I didn't.
I'm not worried about half beans, not even twigs, but those little stones are a pain!
I'm sure they are processed/checked better in other countries, but here it's a must!
I just do a quick running of my fingers through the beans, and if I see anything that doesn't look right, I pick it out.

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