Recipe Sourdough Mother (starter.)

Burt Blank

Legendary Member
25 Jun 2020
Local time
8:39 PM
Split Croatia
Mrs B wanted wanted to make sourdough bread. This is the method she selected from YouTube. In early 2019 she made the mother, when we left she bequeathed to her friend and Blobby is still alive. This guy is an excellent teacher. NB for the Brits don't use British commercial bread flour when using your mother. After WW2 the British Government brought in a law to stop children getting Rickets. Calcium and other vits/minerals were added to bread flour and margarine.Showing the additives on the packet was not required and still isn't I believe. This makes the mass produced bread using the Chorleywood process very dense with no random air holes. Mass Bakers in the UK add "improvers" to get that random holes. We used Waitrose Canadian High gluten(13%) flour.
Because of the holes in a trad made sourdough bread sandwiches can be leaky, if you want non leaky sourdough the second vid shows you how achieve that using a bread making machine.The crust and flavor are the same but fewer or no holes.

There is a step by step thread on the forum somewhere by SatNavSaysStraightOn. I tried... I think its a bit like me and pets. It ends in disaster. I do have the remnants of 'Fred' at the back of the fridge but I've no idea if he will wake up again or indeed, whether he was really alive to start with! Fred was the last sourdough starter I made.

I'm a fairly experienced bread maker but somehow, I couldn't get sourdough to work. :cry:
I struggled with sourdough for years....I've lost count of how many times I've tried (and failed!) to get a starter going....I usually ended up with a jar of sludge with a layer of liquid on top.

But during the first lockdown I discovered Bake with Jack's Youtube channel and its no exaggeration to say that he has completely transformed my breadmaking and I can now reliably make sourdough :okay: I also really like his philosophy that baking needs to fit into your life, rather than your life being adjusted to baking.

I use his no-waste sourdough method where you just leave some scrapings of your starter in a pot in the fridge between loaves. The day before you want to make your dough you need to remember to feed the starter (he recommends using rye flour), but there's no daily care needed, no discarding half of your starter every day, and the starter scrapings will live happily in the fridge for days or even weeks between bakes.

His basic white loaf with an overnight prove in the fridge is also a winner (and very convenient because it takes so little actual hand's on time).
(he recommends using rye flour),
The guy in my vid uses the same. We din't we went for his second option. Both method appear to be more or less the same. I liked growing a ginger beer plant as a kid, it was the bubbling etc it made when you fed it.
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