Recipe Stewed Baby Cuttlefish with Peas and Tomato Sauce


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
9:17 AM
Milano, Italy

Seppioline in Umido con Piselli e Salsa di Pomodoro, a very popular fish recipe in Italy, it can also become either an unique course if accompanied by slices of toasted bread or served with polenta or mash.

Serves 4, Preparation 15 min, Cooking 15 – 20 min

  • 700 g fresh baby cuttlefish preferably already cleaned or frozen ones
  • 300 g fresh or frozen peas or canned peas
  • 1 level spoon of tomato paste
  • 350 g tomato sauce
  • dry white wine, 40 ml
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 onion, finely sliced
  • a sprig of fresh parsley, chopped
  • EVOO – Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 2 tablespoons


Thaw and rinse if using frozen baby cuttlefish.

Heat 2 tablespoons of EVOO in a non-stick pan, gently wilt the sliced onion and add a little water if necessary.

Add baby cuttlefishes and brown them in the pan for a few seconds. Raise the flame and add white wine allowing it to evaporate, then lower the flame again.
Add the peas, tomato puree and tomato paste, stir, then the chopped parsley, stir and cook with a lid on low heat for at least 15 minutes.

Stir from time to time and taste to check the cooking of both peas and cuttlefish and adjust pepper and salt only at the end of cooking.

Just as you can tell if a cake or muffin is ready, you can tell if the cuttlefish is cooked or not by inserting a toothpick and if it goes in smoothly then the cuttlefish is cooked, otherwise it needs a few more minutes of cooking.
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