
Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
9:09 PM
SE Australia
I came across this recipe by chance. Apparently it's a tradional Swedish recipe, though I'm uncertain because neither ginger nor lemongrass are traditional Swedish ingredients, but either way, it's a recipe that grew on us and the more we ate, the more we liked it. We'll happily make it again.


I've modified the ingredients and the method. There's an easier way to make it than the one given in the original recipe. I've also converted the ingredients to more standard measurements and massively reduced the amount of sugar in the recipe. I only used 100g and that was plenty.


The original recipe had you put everything through a sieve at the end, I've changed the method slightly to make it easier to retrieve the lemongrass, ginger and mint. Also you don't need to slice the strawberries as my photos show. That was the old method.

Ingredients (serves 6-8)
1kg strawberries, leaves and stalks removed
1¼L cold water
250-500ml fresh orange juice (unsweetened)
6 inches fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
4-5 stalks lemongrass, sliced thinly
2 packets of fresh mint, roughly chopped
100-250g brown or raw sugar (I only used 100g)

To Serve
125g extra strawberries, finely diced
8-10 mint leaves finely sliced

  1. In a large blender jug, add the water, orange juice and 1kg of washed strawberries (minutes leaves and stalk) and blend thoroughly. You may need to do this in 2 batches.
  2. Pour the contents into a large saucepan and add the sugar, lemongrass, ginger and mint. Bring to the boil, cover, simmer for 5 minutes and turn off and allow to cool completely.
  3. Pour the contents through a sieve to extract the lemongrass, ginger and mint.
  4. Now chill until ready to serve.
  5. When ready to serve, place 2 strawberries, finely diced, in the bottom of each bowl, add 2 ladles of strawberry mint soup and sprinkle some sliced mint leaves over the top.
If you want to make this via the original method, you'll need to thinly slice the 1kg of strawberries and I'd suggest that you put the lemongrass, ginger and mint leaves into a cheesecloth or something similar and boil then in that for easier extraction at the end. You'll then need to pass the soup through a sieve and press the strawberries through the sieve aswell, once everything is cold.


If you're not that keen on ginger, you might want to use a touch less. The quantity might seem a lot, but it isn't crushed or ground into the soup, just steeped similar to a fresh ginger tea. If your ginger is very expensive, then 1-2 tbsp of minced fresh ginger put into the blender/liquidiser with the strawberries will be more than enough imo.
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