Taking spices on holiday


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
2:22 PM
I want to take some spices away with me without having to take them in their containers eg cacao, truvia and sugar. Are there any known issues if I put all the spices in a freezer bag at room temperature in a dark dry place.
For the car journey, I'm taking a car fridge freezer. Would it be best to put the spices in the car fridge freezer or the suitcase or does it not matter?
These are the spices I'm thinking of.

one bag could include the following.

cacao powder
smoked paprika
maca root
ground black pepper

Another may have:

black pepper
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A zip-lock type of plastic bag will work okay. You only need to put them in the fridge if they are going to be in the hot car for a lot of time. If any of the herbs are fresh herbs, those will need to go in the fridge, and probably won't last more than a few days to maybe a week even in the fridge. Dried herbs will be fine in normal temperatures.

McCormick Salt and Pepper Grinders.jpg

(photo courtesy of McCormick)

Our last Road Trip was back in 2019, and this how I roll.
The first photo pictures there's two floral plastic bins that I stash my 'Traveling Kitchen' in, which includes the above as well as a travel knife, flexible plastic cutting board, paper towels, a small container of liquid dish soap, paper plates and utensils, snacks, dry breakfast cereal, bread for sandwiches, coffee and all of the accompanying condiments (along with our favorite mugs wrapped in a tea towel), of course a coffee maker and bottled water. We take coolers with us that are filled with freezer zip-top bags to refill with ice at the next hotel stop.
Oh and don't forget a case of wine to start us out :okay:
We were on the road this last time for a month and we stop when needed to re-supply.
To be honest, we used to just throw the entire spice container into a box and take the whole thing....

But decanting the spices or dried herbs into a small zip lock bag will be fine, just exclude as much air as possible, or buy some small containers. We recycle the ones that dips come in when you get a takeaway... But space isn't usually an issue for us, so we'd just put the spice in its normal container in and take that (well about 20 of them if I'm honest! )
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