The relaxing non judgemental random thoughts thread


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
5:41 PM
The Netherlands
Got a confession to make? A feeling you want to share but wouldn't in real life? A secret to expose?

All is welcome here, including random thoughts. We all have these thoughts; things we know we DEFINITELY are being unreasonable about and yet we can't help but think them.

This is that thread. A chance to say whatever you want judgement free. You know it's silly, you know it makes no sense but it's how you feel. Feel free to share! It might make me feel a little less crazy.
Events mentioned can pertain to the current time, or the past. Just post what you are thinking about.

What no to do in this thread:
-Hold discussions on anything (no politics, current issues, senstive topics)
-Post content that goes against any laws or common sense
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I will start.

My husband plays the same 4 cds from his favorite band in the car ALL the time. So all the songs of that band get stuck in my head for weeks on end. I talked to him about it, but he likes it and I'm not the one to make an issue out of something that small. So I am stuck 'listening' to their songs in my head almost all year unless I listen to something else. But even that doesn't always help.

People say that people who eat garlic have bad breath, but I personally think milk drinkers and old cheese eaters are far worse. Also raw onion! Ugh.

I think beige is an incredibly dull color and should be banned.
I'm perplexed how much energy I can spent thinking bad about society and even believe my negative judgements about other people while not being able to change any of the problems. At least I believe I'm doing something about the problems, but I'm not sure if it's even right to just blame others, I would like to understand their behaviors.
It's kind of a trained character trait, as everybody in my social circle bad mouths all kind of people they've met. While working I've found out it's way more easy to stay in work flow, while not giving a sh*t about how bad the people are doing, but to be in work flow won't change anything in the big picture, I'm just getting faster and more precise in the things I'm doing everyday.
I'm perplexed how much energy I can spent thinking bad about society and even believe my negative judgements about other people while not being able to change any of the problems. At least I believe I'm doing something about the problems, but I'm not sure if it's even right to just blame others, I would like to understand their behaviors.
It's kind of a trained character trait, as everybody in my social circle bad mouths all kind of people they've met. While working I've found out it's way more easy to stay in work flow, while not giving a sh*t about how bad the people are doing, but to be in work flow won't change anything in the big picture, I'm just getting faster and more precise in the things I'm doing everyday.
That you're aware of this is already amazing! Most people are not. You really work on looking inward, that's a great character trait.
It would be amazing if it would bring more peace and happiness to the people that need it the most. But some years ago I spend whole days being grumpy, without doing anything else than feeding my 20 y'o depressed mind
Old Fart Warning.

Tattoos. I really hate them. Especially on women my age, but in general, ick.
My hubby and I don't have any and I'm 61, he's 54. I dated a guy years ago who had several (he was a musician) and I didn't love his tattoos. I don't judge anyone who has them but I'm not a fan.
I'm tired of being an insomniac. I wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. to get water or use the loo and sometimes can't go back to sleep. Sometimes my husband snores and I have a neighbor 2 houses away who has dogs that bark often when he has them out, so if I'm able to get back to sleep, I get woken up. And Monday the garbage trucks come early so that's noisy as well.
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I keep a skeleton key in my pocket to remind myself that the key to happiness is to be positive..When I'm having a bad day the key reminds me of the good things in my life and to focus on them instead of the negative things..75% of the time it works every time..:laugh:
I'm tired of being an insomniac. I wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. to get water or use the loo and sometimes can't go back to sleep. Sometimes my husband snores and I have a neighbor 2 houses away who has dogs that bark often when he has them out, so if I'm able to get back to sleep, I get woken up. And Monday the garbage trucks come early so that's noisy as well.
My husband has insomnia too, it's really hard to deal with. Feel sorry for you and all those who have it!

I have no insomnia at all ( almost the opposite due to exhaustion) but my chronic pain does affect my sleep a lot and interferes a lot too. I often wake up every two hours due to it.
I keep a skeleton key in my pocket to remind myself that the key to happiness is to be positive..When I'm having a bad day the key reminds me of the good things in my life and to focus on them instead of the negative things..75% of the time it works every time..:laugh:
That's a lovely idea to help yourself with!
I love my job. I love my job…
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