The Way We Were

Not the way I was, but my family, in any case:

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That’s my great-grandparents (Henry & Edith), their children (minus one who died - though that baby wouldn’t make it to adulthood), taken in 1914.

That’s my grandad sitting on his father’s lap, and his older brother off to far left. Those were the only two in that picture I knew in person.

I have a picture of my great grand parents. I remember them well.

Circa 1967?

I need to get my phone looked at???

I think maybe so, but sometimes it can take a minute for my phone to focus when I'm taking a closeup. I've had to close and reopen my camera app before to get a clear shot.
For some unknown reason my mum always used to get very cross when we we having official photos taken. It was like they were never good enough for her, she would tell us to “smile properly” in a quiet and rather menacing voice. As a consequence I have many official photos of me looking unhappy with a downturned ‘smile’ which made her even more cross 😆

This one was my third birthday. I’d asked for baseball boots and a machine gun. Apparently I refused to take my new baseball boots off to put party shoes on. I‘m told I slept in them with my machine gun next to me 🤣

We’d call those “high tops” here, and I must say, that’s an interesting combination of gifts!
Here high tops are any trainer (sneaker to Americans I believe) that has a high top and ‘Baseball boots’ always look like Converse.

I spent many happy hours as a toddler wandering around with a picnic basket and machine gun 😆

I also used to run off a lot. My parents though it hilarious they would pick me up and my legs would keep going 🤣

This one was a fete we went to I did a runner at. I can remember clearly the moments when running turned into being lost. It was like running off wasn‘t connected to being lost so it was always an unpleasant surprise to discover I‘d lost my mum and dad 🤪 This pic was taken at that precise moment!

I need to get my phone looked at???


I very much doubt its your phone. I've said before you have a much better phone than I do (or at least you did last time you mentioned the model)! First - try cleaning cleaning the lenses (the edge of your T shirt rubbed over them will do). The lenses are on the back. Make sure your phone camera is set to maximum resolution. I can help you do that if you give me the model number.

When taking a shot use the focus tool. On my phone its a yellow circle which appears on the screen when pointing the camera. You simple tap it.

Alternatively get one of your savvy kids/grandkids to show you...

Sorry to stray off topic.
I very much doubt its your phone. I've said before you have a much better phone than I do (or at least you did last time you mentioned the model)! First - try cleaning cleaning the lenses (the edge of your T shirt rubbed over them will do). The lenses are on the back. Make sure your phone camera is set to maximum resolution. I can help you do that if you give me the model number.

When taking a shot use the focus tool. On my phone its a yellow circle which appears on the screen when pointing the camera. You simple tap it.

Alternatively get one of your savvy kids/grandkids to show you...

Sorry to stray off topic.

I've also noticed with some phones now that the camera takes longer to take the picture in low light conditions which means you have to hold the phone steady for bit longer.

My latest phone does this and I've produced quite a few blurry photos from not holding the camera still for long enough. I usually cup the base of my elbow to hold it dead steady.
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