Tinned/canned foods


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
6:14 AM
Christchurch New Zealand
[Mod edit: posts moved to start new topic (TR)]

I recently opened a can of asparagus for a quiche the can said product of Peru .
That shocked me. Its grown here in the north island.

I recently opened a can of asparagus for a quiche the can said product of Peru .
That shocked me. Its grown here in the north island.

To me, any canned vegetables in my pantry means I couldn't find fresh or frozen.
Beans and tomatoes - I don’t think I buy anything else canned.
Ah yes. Those of course. I usually do beans from dry (sometimes those from frozen like liimas or black eyed peas) but canned tomatoes quite often. I keep canned beans on hand for when I'm short on time.

New thread? Edit: Apparently yes.
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We should have our first decent crop this year. Planted crowns out about 4 years ago. It takes that long to grow.

Yeah! DH's cousin grows it. Yum.
Here’s the entirety of my canned goods stock (minus some canned pops/sodas/fizzy drinks in the garage and some beer in the fridge):

…and this, which I just bought (and used) today:


Funny thing about these olives - they’re my preferred black olive, and by a long shot.

I could never figure out why, because any time I’d eat any other black olive, I’d think, “These aren’t that good, I wish I had some of those canned black olives. I wonder what variety they are?” - that’s because all the ingredients list says is “black olives.”

Now, I love love love green olives, but the run-of-the-mill pimento-stuff ones, not any fancy or gourmet variety. These: 🫒

Finally researched it and found out…those little black olives that I like, the ones found at every pizza joint and Mexican(-American) restaurant here…they’re just the same green olives I love (minus the pimento), that have been exposed to whatever it is producers expose fruit and vegetables to to make them appear ripe. IOW, they’re pretty much just green olives, which is why I like them. :laugh:
I don't cook out of cans out of preference. The one exception is preparation of my wife's marinara sauce. She specifies canned diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato paste. It is a good sauce despite the cans. The other ingredients are not in cans.

I use dry beans and either soak them overnight or give them a boil and a rest which gets them ready much faster. Lima beans can go right from the bag to the boiling water. It only takes 20 minutes to boil them. I make a pretty good pork and beans. No cans. I make an authentic arroz con frijoles negros. No cans. Even my bean salads start from bags.
Funny thing about these olives - they’re my preferred black olive, and by a long shot.
That's probably because you're accustomed to them.
I'm very fortunate because there's a Lebanese grocery in Caracas and they sell at least half a dozen (probably more) varieties of olives. Moroccan dried olives are my absolute favourite, followed by Lebanese "Cracked" olives, Lebanese black olives (which aren't actually black, just sort of dark brown) and kalamatas.
Time you made another trip to Jungle Jim's and bought some Italian Cerignola or Castelvetrano. They're buttery - absolutely glorious.

Back on subject: I think the only items I buy in tins are tomatoes. No baked beans here, so they're off the menu, and any other beans I buy dried, soak them and cook them. I avoid other tinned veg like the plague, because, IMHO, they taste awful and are overcooked.
Moroccan dried olives are my absolute favourite
I had a jar, I’d bought them for a specific recipe (something that included red cabbage), but I couldn’t find the recipe.

I hung on to them until they went past their “best by” date (and it was pretty far out there), then chucked them…I could never find anyone who could suggest how to use them - I think I even asked on here.

Time you made another trip to Jungle Jim's and bought some Italian Cerignola or Castelvetrano.
I’ve had the latter, and I made sure I got proper ones, as I’d found out some less reputable brands dye theirs. I did like them, but not as much as the plain old pimento-stuffed green olives that are dirt cheap. 🤷‍♂️
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