Recipe Tortilla Fish Omelette


26 Aug 2020
Local time
9:41 AM
Tortilla Fish Omelette

Serves 3-4 | Preparation & cooking time 40-45 min

This omelette is not turned around and fried from both sides as an original tortilla but it contains potatoes and veggies; hence the name.


250 g potatoes (I used 5 tiny, starchy potatoes)​
4 tablespoons evoo/macadamia nut oil​
1 bell pepper​
1 green chili/jalapeño​
3-4 shallots​
2 cloves of garlic​
4 eggs​
75 g (~75 ml/3-4 tablespoons) crème fraîche​
2 teaspoons crushed mustard seeds​
2 teaspoons dill seeds​
1 teaspoon marjoram​
~0,5 teaspoon salt (to taste)​
~1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper (to taste)​
20-30 g (a small piece) of Parmesan​
65-70 g canned bristling/European sprat fillets or anchovies (drained)​
0,5 teaspoons chili flakes​
0,5 teaspoons dried dill​


Steam the potatoes for ~15-25 minutes (depends on the size) until almost cooked. Let cook further in the afterheat/-steam while preparing the other ingredients. Crush the mustard seeds in a mortar. Slice the bell pepper, chili (deseeded) and shallots. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a skillet/frying pan and cook the vegetables on high heat for ~10-12 minutes until slightly browned and tender. Slice the garlic and add to the pan. Fry for a couple of minutes more and set aside.

Whisk the eggs, crème fraîche, crushed mustard seeds, dill seeds, marjoram, salt & pepper in a bowl with a fork. Add the fried vegetables and mix. Slice the potatoes. Turn on medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of oil on the pan, place the potato slices on the bottom and pour the egg-vegetable-spice mix on top. Sprinkle Parmesan on top and cook for ~8-10 minutes until nearly set. Don’t mix. Drain the canned fish fillets and arrange them radially on top. Sprinkle with chili flakes and dried dill. Set aside and let cook further in the pan for a while before serving.



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