Recipe Traditional Spanish Rabo de Toro ( Bull / Ox Tail)


31 May 2017
Local time
9:25 AM
This is one of the traditional Andalusian specialties served throughout the Iberian Peninsula and a very simple récipe to créate ..


1 kilo of Rabo de toro ( Bull´s Tail ) ( One can sub Angus Tails )
2 potatoes peeled and diced
3 tomatoes ( de-seeded and peeled) and minced
2 carrots diced finely
1 / 2 red bell and 1 / 2 green bell diced finely
5 cloves of minced garlic
salt to taste
1 tablesp minced fresh parsley
a pinch of Smoked La Vera Pimentón ( Spanish smoked Paprika)
1 large wine glass of Sherry Fino from Jerez de La Frontera or a very dry White wine of choice
Spanish Evoo
2 bay leaves
2 aromatic clove clusters
Freshly ground black pepper
Saffron / Azafran ( 10 threads soaked in boiled wáter and reserved for 15 minutes shall all be poured into the concoction)
Bio all purpose flour or Bio chickpea flour ( add salt and freshly ground pepper to it ) - for dusting the meat lightly

How to´s :

1) Salt the tails and dust in the seasoned flour and sauté in Spanish Evoo until Golden .. Reserve drained of the oil on a tented platter ..
2) Now mince all your veggies and sauté the garlic until Golden.
3) Now add the minced bell peppers red and Green, the diced potatoes and the carrots and sauté until just tender ..
4) Incorporate the peeled and de-seeded tomatoes and the cloves, bay leaves, smoked pimentón and salt and the reserved saffron and liquid .. When reduced, add the meat tails.
5) Salt to taste and add the White wine .. Cover and simmer on low slow flame for 45 minutes, with wáter just covering the meat and veggies ..
6) Add the minced parsley and adjust salt and spices and serve with Golden fried potatoes ( Spanish Bravas with out the sauce ) and chapata bread warmed in oven and a noble nosed well rounded Crianza oak aged red wine from Ribera del Duero or Zamora ..

Enjoy ..
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Sounds wonderful! I have not seen "Ox Tail" in a while. I know I can find it There are 2 or 3 slaughter houses with attached meat markets in some of the smaller, neighboring communities. A good place to find what used to be considered offal - now delicacies - tails and organ meats. I need to add Sweet Breads to my bucket list.

Ox tail or Bull´s Tail is a true delicacy .. One can also use Black Angus Tails ..

We have a Kiosk / Market Stall which specialises in organ meats as well ..

Sweet Breads are another classic !! There is a bar in Madrid´s Historic Centre which specialises in lamb sweat breads .. They are sautéed in Spanish Evoo .. And served as a Tapa ..

These are lamb sweetbread meatballs which we shared at a restaurant in the Madrid Capital which were prepared by a Food Designer Joaquin Felipe quite a few years ago .. They were extraordinary ..

The recipe looks like it would work beautifully with beef, but to be honest, I really want to find ox tail so I can make this. I'll have to ask my local butcher if they can order it.

@The Late Night Gourmet, @ElizabethB

Black Angus Tails are Oxtails ! This bull is an enormous black bull with horns .. It is beef !!!!

Ox = An Asian breed of cattle ..

In reality it is just the name !

Imagine, calling This dish, Bull´s Tail ( bull´s tales ) .. Ha Ha ..

Iberian Bulls = Black Angus looking not like an Asian Ox !!!!! They weigh in at approx. 500 kilos and are quite large .. The calves are precious and very much like a big dog .. very affectionate ..

The Photo: This is lamb sweetbread meatballs !!! It was a conversation I had with Elizabeth ..

Have a great weekend .. I would google some boutique Black Angus Ranchers and Butchers .. in the western Usa or Canada ..
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