Recipe Traditional Spanish Roast Whole Suckling Piglet / Cochinillo


31 May 2017
Local time
10:30 PM

Photo By: Francesca M. Guillamet ..

A suckling piglet or Cochinillo / Lechón / Tostón is a tiny piglet fed on its´ mother´s milk and traditionally, this roast dates back to the Roman Empire´s feasts, and has been prepared for centuries in Castilla León in wooden stoves called Hornos de Leña ..

Here is a true classic which shepherds still implement with both Suckling Piglet and Baby Lamb, called Lechazo Asado ..

A bread oven and a hot ceramic oven are the best for preparing and is still used in traditional restaurants across Spain. The recipe is simple ..

Recipe for 4 - 6:

One 2 to 2.5 kilos: a whole suckling piglet
100 grams of porc lard ( can substitute Spanish Extra virgin olive oil )
200 Ml. Water
1 Bay Leaf
Salt to taste
2 cloves of large garlic peeled
2 shot glasses of Dry White Spanish Wine from Rueda, Castilla León or similar
1 Earthenware ( Cazuela ) Vessel approximately 15 Inches - 20 Inches round

1) Have your Butcher slice the piglet in half, lengthwise.
2) Wash the Piglet thorougly.
3) Season with salt and put some Bay leaves on the bottom of the earthware "cazuela " or terracotta roasting vessel ..
4) Place the piglet halves inside in an upward manner ..
5) Brush the Whole Piglet with Manteca de Cerdo ( porc lard ) or Evoo and add the garlic in the incisions that you shall slice into the skin of the piglet .. ( See photo ).
6) Pre heat oven to 180 C or 356 F degrees or 350 - 355 F ..
7) Add the wáter and the wine slowly over the Piglet ..
8) Prick the skin with tiny incisions with a fork across or width - wise and place the garlic pieces inside and give it a little push ..
9) Roast for approx 1 Hour & 30 minutes basting occassionally. Temperature should register approx 145 Degrees with a meat therometer ..
10) Then toward the end, raise the temperatura to Golden crisp the skin .. ( 15 Minutes - keep your eye on it and do not chat on cell tablets ! )
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@Francesca will you please read this about adding the prefix recipe to your recipes. It is very easy to do and we expect and request all members to do this.

@SatNavSaysStraightOn ,

Ok. I looked for the Word Recipe however, I did not realise it is in the title line .. Morning Glory had sent me an email yesterday.

Yes, I tried but now I have the link for a guide ..

Sorry. I shall learn the function. Apologies ..

Have a lovely evening / day ..
@Francesca will you please read this about adding the prefix recipe to your recipes. It is very easy to do and we expect and request all members to do this.
I'm sure this is absolutely delicious @Francesca - but I always feel sorry for the poor little piglet who was still suckling. :cry:

@morning glory,

Yes, we rarely eat red / white meats at home, however, this is a traditional festive dish and henceforth, I posted it as I had a photograph of the last roast suckling pig I had made for a family Sunday lunch ..

Have a lovely evening .. Thank you.
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