Recipe Twisted Eggs Benedict with Sausage, Roasted Garlic, and Mustard Greens Gravy


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12 May 2020
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8:44 AM

This is a new twist on eggs Benedict I came up with on the spur of the moment that is easy to prepare, and in the words of my husband this morning as he ate it for the first time, "Scrumptious." The classic eggs Benedict dish combined with the American classic sausage gravy and biscuits turned out to be even better than I expected; instead of using biscuits, I used homemade English muffins (How To Make English Muffins), and instead of Hollandaise sauce, I used the sausage and roasted garlic gravy with mustard greens folded in to cover the English muffins. I "poached" the eggs in the gravy with the lid on the pan, so simple!

2 toasted halves of an English Muffin How To Make English Muffins
2 eggs
1 pound sausage, crumbled and browned
1 bulb roasted garlic How To Roast Garlic in the Oven
2 cups milk
1 tbsp AP flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (or to taste preference)
2 cups chopped mustard greens, ribs removed
Diced spring onion as desired for garnish

Preparation Method:
After the sausage has been thoroughly cooked and browned, combine the milk, flour, and seasonings until blended. Mash the garlic into the mixture and cook on medium high heat, stirring as needed to prevent the gravy from burning. Turn off the heat when thickened to the desired consistency and fold in the mustard greens. Cover and set aside.

Toast the English muffin. While toasting, ladle a generous amount of the gravy into a small shallow sauce pan. Crack the two eggs in the gravy and cook on medium heat, covered, until the eggs are cooked to the desired preference (I like my eggs with runny yolks). Ladle the gravy from the saucepan onto the English muffin halves (careful not to disturb the eggs), then with a spatula, carefully place each egg atop the muffin halves. Add a touch of ground black pepper and green onion for garnish. Enjoy!





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This is a new twist on eggs benedict that is easy to prepare and in the words of my husband this morning as he ate it for the first time, "Scrumptious." The classic eggs Benedict dish combined with the American classic sausage gravy and biscuits turned out to be even better than I expected; instead of using biscuits, I used homemade English muffins (How To Make English Muffins), and instead of Hollandaise sauce, I used the sausage and roasted garlic gravy with mustard greens folded in to cover the English muffins. I "poached" the eggs in the gravy with the lid on the pan, so simple!

2 toasted halves of an English Muffin How To Make English Muffins
2 eggs
1 pound sausage, crumbled and browned
1 bulb roasted garlic
2 cups milk
1 tbsp AP flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (or to taste preference)
2 cups chopped mustard greens, ribs removed
Diced spring onion as desired for garnish

Preparation Method:
After the sausage has been thoroughly cooked and browned, combine the milk, flour, and seasonings until blended. Mash the garlic into the mixture and cook on medium high heat, stirring as needed to prevent the gravy from burning. Turn off the heat when thickened to the desired consistency and fold in the mustard greens. Cover and set aside.

Toast the English muffin. While toasting, ladle a generous amount of the gravy into a small shallow sauce pan. Crack the two eggs in the gravy and cook on medium heat, covered, until the eggs are cooked to the desired preference (I like my eggs runny). Ladle the gravy from the saucepan onto the English muffin halves (careful not to disturb the eggs), then with a spatula, carefully place each egg on the muffin halves. Add a touch of ground black pepper and green onion. Enjoy!
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I especially like the idea of cooking the eggs right in the gravy. I'll likely steal that!
Dude, it was one of the easiest and most delicious breakfasts I have made in a long time.
We have biscuits and gravy here regularly, so I'm already halfway there. :)
Exactly! We do too, and I didn't feel like making biscuits today but had some of my homemade English muffins in the refrigerator, which I usually use to make hubby's egg McMuffins, so part of it was me just being lazy, LOL. But I actually liked this much better than biscuits and gravy. That roasted garlic with the mustard greens was an excellent combo with the gravy. Mustard greens have a slightly spicy kick that complemented the pepper, and roasted garlic? I could eat that in almost anything.
But I actually liked this much better than biscuits and gravy.
I made gravy for chicken-fried steak once, and it's the usual white gravy like you'd see for breakfast (minus the sausage), but since this was a supper gravy, it had some garlic and herbs in it (oregano, possibly).

We were both enjoying it and we both commented, "Why aren't we having this gravy for breakfast?!?! It's like breakfast gravy turned up to 11!" :laugh:
This certainly is a twist on eggs Benedict (one of my favourite dishes) - and its also a twist on American sausage gravy:
instead of Hollandaise sauce, I used the sausage and roasted garlic gravy with mustard greens folded in to cover the English muffins.

An inventive dish - plus you succeeded in making sausage gravy look pretty (something rarely seen). I'm not sure I'd choose it over an untwisted eggs Benedict but I'd certainly give it a try. I particularly like the roasted garlic addition.
This reminded me of the 420 Fatty Benedict I made one year on... 4/20. You start by smoking a one pound fatty -- um, a one pound chub of breakfast sausage. Then you slice it up, and build your Benedict.

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For those of you unfamiliar with "420"... Urban Dictionary: 420

Yes, I got the reference without looking. It's kind of like the saying, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere..."
I'd like to see a smoked brisket benedict. I think that would be spectacular.
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