Typical Day's Meals


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
4:05 AM
Ohio, US
Something in another topic prompts this question:

What's a typical day's meals/snacks like for you? If your weekday and weekend meals differ, please include both.

I work from home (like a lot of people now), so a typical weekday's meals for me would look something like:

8AM - cold cereal and milk
10AM - piece of fruit or toast
Noon - Sandwich and raw veggies or salami with cheese and crackers and olives
3PM - nuts or gummies
6:30PM - main meal, so meat and veg, or pasta, or hot sandwich (like a burger) and fries
8:30PM - tea and biscuits or cake of some sort

Weekend days will differ in that breakfast will be cooked, so either oatmeal and toast, or eggs/bacon/potatoes/toast, or waffles/pancakes.
Lunch will be a heavy snack, like hummus with pita chips and veggies for dipping, or bruschetta.
Main meal will be about the same, though I usually do something that's a little more involved, like pot roast or fried chicken, with a couple of sides, like potatoes of some sort and a salad or green veg.

Bread of some sort with nearly all meals, tea and water throughout the weekdays, and tea, water, and beer/wine/cocktails on weekends.
Mon to fri
9am cuppa and cookie
5.30 to 6 pm meat and 3 veg or eggs on toast.
9pm maybe a snack of peanuts or crisps?

Sat cup of tea. A nice meal at night, lamb steaks or porterhouse steak and veges
Sun occasionally 1 to 2 crumpets. Then family dinner, something substantial.

As I've mentioned I don't eat a lot during the day due to reflux. Doesn't bother me, I've got used to it.

07:00 mug of tea, builders strength.
08:30 cooked breakfast, tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs or bacon and avocado or baked beans. Pot of coffee.
10:00 more coffee
13:00 boxed salad and water (if out), light cooked meal or more complex salad (if home).
19:00 protein, 2-3 veges, a sauce of some sort, and some wine.

No snacks or bread. Practically no carbs at the moment - I'm on a bit of a mission!
On this diet.
06.00 Turkish coffee and my first vape of many, I used to have 2/3 Marlboro reds.
12.00 1 ltr shake made out of unsweetened soya milk, a peach, apple and 2 apricots.
16.00 watermelon
20 00 dinner as posted.
This will be the same regime till next Monday or longer if I get the urge to fully reclaim my once Greek Godlike body.
The following may or may not shock you. Its not exactly a healthy balanced diet:

8.30 am: cup of tea
1 pm: usually nothing but sometimes a lightly boiled egg with a Ryvita or soldiers of low calorie bread.
6 pm: snack. A mini light Babybel. Yes I know. Sometimes smoked salmon or three pieces of Italian salami. Very occasionally a piece of low calorie bread.
10.30 pm: Dinner. This varies but is always calorie counted to be less than 300 cals. Small baked potato topped with yoghurt and baked beans last night. Sometimes simply a tin of soup and toast. Sometimes a large plate of cabbage with a Yorkshire pudding and a few roast potatoes with gravy.

You can see from the above that I don't actually eat the food I cook and post here. There are exceptions but in general, I don't. What happens is that I always taste it while I'm making something and after I've made it to make sure its right. The amount of cooking I do usually do means I'm eating quite a lot of little bits of things as I go. Not exactly snacks but it all adds up. This list also fails to reveal the large amount of alcohol I consume. If I gave that up. I could eat a bit more.
I have absolutely no eating schedule. I refer to my eating habits as "grazing." When I get hungry, I eat something. A few times a week, I make a full meal, almost always for dinner. This is especially true for Sundays, which is when I am most likely to make a big dinner, or try cooking something new. That's a habit I got into when I worked a regular Monday through Friday job. It just stuck with me.

7am - cup of tea
8am - cup of tea
9am - cup of tea
10.30am - cup of tea, two slices of toast with butter, one with Vegemite, the other with either peanut butter or jam
2pm - cuppa soup & a bread roll
6pm - something snack-ish: crisps or nuts
8.30pm - dinner. It might be meat & 3 veg, it might be takeaway, but it will contain a protein of some sort.
I don't eat enough veg or fruit but in my defence it's the middle of winter here.
In summer you can swap the lunch meal with salad & the evening meal will contain salad (& a lot less bread)
The following may or may not shock you. Its not exactly a healthy balanced diet:

8.30 am: cup of tea
1 pm: usually nothing but sometimes a lightly boiled egg with a Ryvita or soldiers of low calorie bread.
6 pm: snack. A mini light Babybel. Yes I know. Sometimes smoked salmon or three pieces of Italian salami. Very occasionally a piece of low calorie bread.
10.30 pm: Dinner. This varies but is always calorie counted to be less than 300 cals. Small baked potato topped with yoghurt and baked beans last night. Sometimes simply a tin of soup and toast. Sometimes a large plate of cabbage with a Yorkshire pudding and a few roast potatoes with gravy.

You can see from the above that I don't actually eat the food I cook and post here. There are exceptions but in general, I don't. What happens is that I always taste it while I'm making something and after I've made it to make sure its right. The amount of cooking I do usually do means I'm eating quite a lot of little bits of things as I go. Not exactly snacks but it all adds up. This list also fails to reveal the large amount of alcohol I consume. If I gave that up. I could eat a bit more.

Where does your food go then? Who eats it? Are you on a diet? so many questions..
07.00 2 slices of toast with something, usually butter or cream cheese. Yoghurt with fruit and granola. Tea
10.00 am a slice of cake or two biscuits with more tea
12.00 hot meal of the day. Varies a lot as shown here. Sometimes with a dessert (usually in the weekends)
16.00 Either a light meal or some ramen noodles, sometimes leftovers from the day before
19.00 some sweets (usually chocolate)

I eat my last meal before 17.00 in the afternoon so my bowels aren't too active at night, without a colon otherwise the digestion of food keeps me going to the toilet otherwise and I like to have a good night's sleep. Sometimes for restaurant meals I make an exception, but not our regular meals.
Where does your food go then? Who eats it? Are you on a diet? so many questions..

Here is the truth:

Partner eats it. I usually make only one portion of something I photograph or if its more he eats it as leftovers. I also have son and daughter living locally so if I make a larger quantity I put meals in containers for them to collect and re-heat. I'm on a permanent diet due to high amounts of alcohol providing more than enough calories. Its very unhealthy. I can just about avoid putting on weight if I eat very little but at the moment I seem to be getting fatter! The only solution is to stop drinking. If you knew how much I drink you would probably be horrified. Unfortunately I'm what's known as a 'high functioning' alcoholic which means I don't appear to be drunk and can perform complex tasks, even when significantly 'over the limit'. I don't do anything silly like drive a car though. Strictly no alcohol if I'm driving for example.
Here is the truth:

Partner eats it. I usually make only one portion of something I photograph or if its more he eats it as leftovers. I also have son and daughter living locally so if I make a larger quantity I put meals in containers for them to collect and re-heat. I'm on a permanent diet due to high amounts of alcohol providing more than enough calories. Its very unhealthy. I can just about avoid putting on weight if I eat very little but at the moment I seem to be getting fatter! The only solution is to stop drinking. If you knew how much I drink you would probably be horrified. Unfortunately I'm what's known as a 'high functioning' alcoholic which means I don't appear to be drunk and can perform complex tasks, even when significantly 'over the limit'. I don't do anything silly like drive a car though. Strictly no alcohol if I'm driving for example.

Yes tbh I had kind of gathered that from what you posted over the year. You are very strong to be so honest with yourself and others. I'm sorry that you currently are not able to battle the addiction. But you sound wise about how you deal with it. Well done!
Yes tbh I had kind of gathered that from what you posted over the year. You are very strong to be so honest with yourself and others. I'm sorry that you currently are not able to battle the addiction. But you sound wise about how you deal with it. Well done!

I did give up a few years ago. I became very bored and knitted obsessively! There are only so many jumpers...etc. My goal at the moment is to stop day time drinking. If I can do that I can eat more healthily.
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