Using Eggyolk as Emulsifier in Mac & Cheese


Active Member
5 Dec 2020
Local time
4:15 AM
Hi there, just wondering if it's possible to use egg yolks as emulsifiers similar to how sodium citrate would be used.

Don't really want to buy sodium citrate as it only has one use to me, and eggs have hundreds of applications.

Has anyone here ever tried using egg yolks to keep a cheese sauce from breaking in mac and cheese?
I have to say I've never heard of using sodium citrate to stop cheese sauce splitting. I think I'd ask the question why is your sauce splitting? A properly made cheese sauce shouldn't split.

How are you making the sauce?
I'm also a bit perplexed on your sauce splitting problem with mac and cheese. How are you making your sauce?

I can't say I've ever heard of sodium citrate.
A quick google suggests that its mainly used for making nacho cheese sauce.....I'm assuming that's the cheese sauce with the weird plasticky texture?

For macaroni cheese I would always recommend making a proper roux-based cheese sauce.
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