Recipe Vanilla & Raspberry Polenta Porridge


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:30 AM
SE Australia
This is one of my combinations that I like for breakfast. It doesn't need much in the way of polenta for a single person, and usually I manage to make way too much tbh. I put a touch of sugar in it initially and then add what I need afterwards to make it sweet enough for my tastes but not too sweet. I hope that makes sense. You may want more sugar, you may want less. You may want to use coconut sugar, or jaggery like me. You may just prefer to use white sugar, it is entirely up to you. You can chop and change the berries used or omit them completely... It is entirely versatile and you may want the porridge thicker or thinner according to your taste/preference.

1/4 cup polenta
500ml (2 cups) unsweetened almond milk, plus extra to thin as needed
20g jaggery (or around 1-2tbsp sugar)
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
50-150g raspberries

  1. In a small pan mix the polenta with half of the almond milk and slowly bring to the boil. Stir to prevent lumps.
  2. Slowly add the remaining almond milk stirring well.
  3. Bring back to the boil and add both the jaggery (broken up into small pieces) and the vanilla paste.
  4. continue to stir whilst the polenta thickens which can take from 10-30 minutes depending on the coarseness of the polenta you have. I get less lumps with coarse polenta, but it takes much longer to cook. It is your choice.
  5. Cook the polenta according to the instructions on the packet - so if it says boil for 20 minutes, boil (covered) for 20 minutes. Thin as needed with more milk or water.
  6. Once cooked, stir in the raspberries, reserving a few for the top if you are going for presentation and serve immediately.
I'll update with a photo (of my own - minus the raspberries) later tonight/tomorrow.
Jaggery in the US and Mexico is known as Piloncillo.
I had no idea. Looking it up (sorry bad habit) it is also called Panela as well as Panocha.
I tend to use it in preference to refined sugars. I just prefer the taste. I also love darker sugars and would happily use even blackstrap molasses to sweeten something despite the obvious colour staining which does not bother me in the slightest. It is not uncommon for my custards or porridges to be brown rather than their intended colour!
I will add it to the UK-US definitions list.
I didn't have any raspberries this morning, so used some golden raisins, a touch of ground cinnamon and some turmeric (I need to use it as an anti-inflammatory at the moment after by bad fall yesterday). So here are 2 pictures of my dish. I'm working on presentation. I failed. But this time it was piping hot and ready to eat. It was exceptionally nice. Mine was coarse polenta so took around 40 minutes in total and an extra 125ml of almond milk because I like thinner porridge, though to be honest it is more like a custard than a porridge.



I added a touch more almond milk just after it had been added to the bowl. One lot did me for lunch :)porky:) I was hungry, but I think it should really serve 2 people for a breakfast served in much smaller bowls!
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