What do you grow?


Senior Member
7 Mar 2020
Local time
11:30 AM
Birmingham UK
Ciao a tutti,
Please forgive if cover before!

I wonder what members do grow for self. (I understand if live apartment no easy, but good size boxes for window is good.)
At moment l have in greenhouse-
Flat parsley.
Wild Garlic.
And Rosemary bush outside this very tough.
These herb start come on now.
I also grow Aubergine, cucumber, radicchio, scallion, cabbage, carrot an parsnip. I try tomato last time no good. I have raise bed for red onion.
Is anything members think I try? Happy for suggestion.


Sarana x
I've planted spinach and beets, and the lettuce goes in today (seeds).

Perennials are strawberries and asparagus, and some herbs.

I grow chickens and their eggs....

In January I ordered a bunch of seeds - I'll be planting 3 varieties of winter squash, cherry tomatoes, annual herbs, snow peas, Asian veggies, cucumbers, microgreens.
Mainly just a handful of herbs. I grew up on a family farm with a huge garden and hated every minute of the work, so I swore when I became an adult, I'd never tend another garden again. :)
Our climate requires we grow most things outdoors in fall and winter. We grow our herbs indoors. Florida does have a native tomato which seems to grow all year, but they are so small it takes lots of them to make a dish.

Everglades Tomato

The coin is a US dime.
Our climate requires we grow most things outdoors in fall and winter. We grow our herbs indoors. Florida does have a native tomato which seems to grow all year, but they are so small it takes lots of them to make a dish.

Everglades Tomato
View attachment 38941
The coin is a US dime.
Si Craig they very small do they taste good?
Sarana x
I grow herbs in pots. The only thing growing right now is rosemary, thyme and scallions. The soil needs to be refreshed. Hopefully we can get soil and plants today- before 5 PM. I want to add Basil, dill, sage and parsley.
I have 4 4'x4'x20" table height garden boxes. One box has beets growing.
I have a problem with the other 3 - a beetle infestation. I sent an email to my county agent asking for advice. I don't want to plant vegetables until that mess is cleaned up.
I usually grow an assortment of heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, Bush beans and cantaloupe.
The soil in the boxes also needs to be refreshed. Hopefully I can pick up what I need today.
My tomatoes are finally starting to ripen. Dreadful season this summer. Too dry, hot & windy followed by some rain at last but it’s been cool too. Summer had its last hooray last week with a few hot days so I’m finally picking cherry tomatoes. Even the zucchini was slow this year. Not my usual crop of monsters.

Birds are stealing my purple stemmed curly kale but considering what a hard time they are having post fires it’s hard to be mad at them.
The silverbeet/chard is going great guns and the basil all needs processing into pesto. I did one shrub on Sunday. Using smoked almonds & pecorino.

Ive put carrot and snow was in recently. The snow peas look great.
Usual suspects herbs all year round, thyme rosemary parsley (2 types) oregano sage and summer only basil and cilantro/ coriander.
Wife's the gardener. We have potatoes,beetroot, cabbages, caulis, carrots, gerkins/pickles, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, spring onions, and in the greenhouses chillies, lettuces, cucumbers.
I grew water melons but never got any crops off them. I grow the seeds and wife plants out.

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