What is the hottest (chilli) pepper you can tolorate?


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
12:45 AM
for me the answer is Cyanne : ( the scoville range can be from 30,000 to 100,000 units )
i have a freind that i make sausage for and have used habanero (150,000 -175,000 ) and he still asks me to make it hotter but i have refused to go any hotter than that
None of them!!! I have acid-reflux, so I can't have any of that stuff. When at a Chinese restaurant,I ask that any spice be taken out of the food that I'm about to eat, otherwise I won't eat it!! :eek: :whistling:
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i use cyanne on just about everything , but i have my limit as to how hot i will tolorate, the reason i refused to make his sausage any hotter was because i didn't want to be responsible for damaging some bodys gut
I am guessing you mean cayenne? We use that all the time. We use habanero, Scotch Bonnet and Thai bird peppers at times. I use dried Carolina Reaper flakes when I make a salted white chocolate, pistachio bark. We use various other dried peppers when making curry pastes, harissa, moles, etc. We use Scorpion and Ghost powders occasionally. The Ghost is about 1 million. The Scorpion and Reaper are up at 2 million Scoville.

BTW, eating hot peppers in and of itself does not harm your gut. You'd have to eat a HUGE amount of them to do that and nobody would do that to themselves. Even the people partaking in chili pepper eating contests don't eat enough to damage their body.

What can cause damage are the side effects, especially vomiting, which may cause damage regardless of the cause. All the other side effects are temporary.
We grow most varieties. Well my wife does. I have bags of them in the freezer. Ready to process into hot chilly sauce in the coming weeks.
And I dont even use it, I hate hot stuff.

I could process that stuff in my Vitamix, but I don't use hot peppers at all!!
Vitamix Acent Series Blender..jpg
I’ll eat pretty much any pepper. How hot it is and how it is prepared will determine how much of it I’ll eat. The hotter it is, the sweeter it usually is. I love the flavour if I could just side step the pain.
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even if it does no long term harm , i just think anything that is 150,000-175,000 scoville units is hot enough for any sane person to eat ...if he wants them hotter he will just have to find a way to do it himself
I like a little heat. If I eat anything spicy I have to consider what I'm I ingesting with it. If its going to cause heartburn I have pills for that.
I am guessing you mean cayenne? We use that all the time. We use habanero, Scotch Bonnet and Thai bird peppers at times. I use dried Carolina Reaper flakes when I make a salted white chocolate, pistachio bark. We use various other dried peppers when making curry pastes, harissa, moles, etc. We use Scorpion and Ghost powders occasionally. The Ghost is about 1 million. The Scorpion and Reaper are up at 2 million Scoville.

BTW, eating hot peppers in and of itself does not harm your gut. You'd have to eat a HUGE amount of them to do that and nobody would do that to themselves. Even the people partaking in chili pepper eating contests don't eat enough to damage their body.

What can cause damage are the side effects, especially vomiting, which may cause damage regardless of the cause. All the other side effects are temporary.

I grow cayenne every summer. I use it a lot for cooking. It is fine.

And yes, as medtran49 says, hot chilis do not directly damage your stomach or "gut." They can certainly cause discomfort -- for some people more than for others. I have no gastro-intestinal issues with hot chilis. I just don't like the pain in my mouth associated with the scorchers.

In my hot sauce collection, I have a bottle of Hot Ones Last Dab XXX, made from Pepper X, which was developed by the creator of the Carolina Reaper, the hottest chili pepper on record. I tried about a dime size drop of it, and it nearly blew the top of my head off. I can still use it to add heat to a pot of chili or gumbo, but not for something like hot chicken wings.

I don't generally eat chili peppers by themselves. I use them as an ingredient in or topping on foods.

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