What is your favourite jam/conserve?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
9:05 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Here I'm meaning sweet jam - the sort you spread on bread or perhaps use in a dessert or in a sandwich cake. I think in the US its called jelly sometimes.

What is your favourite? I tend to vary but at at the moment I have a liking for plum jam. Its that lovely tartness. Strawberry, I think, probably tops the popularity charts with a lot of people. Which jam do you prefer? And how do you use it - on toast, in puddings, stirred into yoghurt perhaps?
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We have raspberry and strawberry plants last summer, I picked and made 9kgs of strawberry jam and coulis. Jam for my toast and coulis for my ice cream. Last summer was our first time growing raspberries so we only picked 1 kg of those. Also jam and coulis. I'm doing more raspberry canes this summer. Can't beat raspberry coulis on vanilla ice cream.

We have raspberry and strawberry plants last summer, I picked and made 9kgs of strawberry jam and coulis. Jam for my toast and coulis for my ice cream. Last summer was our first time growing raspberries so we only picked 1 kg of those. Also jam and coulis. I'm doing more raspberry canes this summer. Can't beat raspberry coulis on vanilla ice cream.


Totally agree re raspberry coulis. I have some right here in the fridge for the same purposes - as a topping for vanilla ice-cream. :D
My current favourite is my own limalade. Tart and sweet (although not too much) at the same time. On toast.

toast s.jpg
Used to be black cherry. And then...

...a few years ago a friend from western canada brought me a jar of home-made blackberry and blueberry jam, The best I've tasted, until...

...I had some fig and walnut from provence; delicious...

...and I know a guy who imports stuff from Lebanon and he made me try some sort of fig jam. It was amazing, recommended to go with hard cheese. But it was very, very expensive!

The common factor of these 3 is that they were not sweet-sweet, in the way that commercial stuff bought from supermarkets is.
My favourite is the blackberry jam made from the fruit in my garden (this year's blackberry bushes are just coming into flower now and I'm looking forward to a bumper crop if the weather keeps up :D).
I only discovered blackberries last Xmas on my hols, my dil bought some for the kids as snacks, man I fell in love with them. I think I'll get some this summer and make jam!!

I used to go blackberry picking from the hedgerows in Yorkshire with my parents - it has to be 60 odd years ago - I ate.far more than I put in the basket!
I used to go blackberry picking from the hedgerows in Yorkshire with my parents - it has to be 60 odd years ago - I ate.far more than I put in the basket!
There used to be loads over the field where I take the dog for a walk, but the Council in their infinite wisdom have decided to cut most of them down completely. Those which escaped relatively unscathed are starting to flower. So long as only the blackberries that are about 2 ft and upwards from the ground are picked, they are fine. As for the ones in my garden, I have got about 20 lb of blackberries in a good year. I have also caught people in my front garden picking them and my apples :devil:
I like the sharper conserves so blackcurrant, raspberry or marmalade. My mum used to make the best bramble jelly (seedless jam) when we had blackberry bushes in the garden. Strawberry is best on scones.
They prolly do grow wild, but we were in an area that is good fruit growing area so people had their crops for sale as they make their money in summer selling fruit.

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