What time do you like to eat dinner?


26 Jul 2019
Local time
2:54 AM
I like to eat dinner around 6:PM. It's 6:32 PM. The pork chops aren't on yet. How about you?
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I like to eat dinner around 6:PM. It's 6:32 PM. The pork chops aren't on yet. How about you?
The same, between 6PM-6:30PM.

It works to our advantage when we travel to Europe, because so many people eat later. We rarely have problems getting seated without reservations.
I have very a irregular eating schedule. I eat when I get hungry. That could be 4PM, or it could be close to midnight. There are many nights when I just "graze." When I graze, I may eat some fruit early, a sandwich later, and some leftovers from the fridge even later. Small portions of food spread out over several hours.

I am more likely to eat a big, heavy meal at breakfast or lunch, not dinner.

If dinner is evening meal (being from the north of the UK, dinner is 12pm, tea is 6pm), then our policy is food on the table at 6pm but that no longer works with hubby's arrival home so it has slipped to 6:30pm during the week, but still holds for weekends and holidays.

But, in summer when it is 35°C or above, we won't eat until much later because it is just too hot to eat so it can slip to 8pm in the hotter months of the year (December through to February mainly).

If we're eating out, then we'll aim to be being served something by 6pm, so will look for a reservation time of 5:45pm.
I'm a bit odd, used to get reflux but that is pretty much gone but my habit of no brekky is still pretty much the same. Usually cup of earl grey tea, maybe small yoghurt or a biscuit/cookie.
Lunch is sometimes skipped as well. But usually something light, toast or sammich.
Dinner between 6 to 7.30.big meals 3 times at night out of 7 .
Sunday dinner is always big as family are here. Because wee kids are here we eat between 5 to 6pm.
I've been known not to eat as all in a day. I too graze during the evening. Or like just now, I kept 100gms cashews back from cooking. I snacked on them.

I have to be careful or I can eat way too much. I was raised on three hearty meals a day, each with some kind of sweet/dessert, and with snacks in between, and even now, I'd have no problem doing that.

Normally, though, during the week, I just have cereal for breakfast, something smallish at lunch, and then a nice supper.
Weekends, I almost always have a big breakfast, then just a piece of fruit or some cheese at some point, and a smallish early supper.

And for me, it's breakfast, lunch, and supper, though I was raised to call it breakfast, dinner, and supper. I'm stuck between generations, because my dad won't even acknowledge that the word "lunch" even exists, and my nieces all laugh at me for saying "supper," as in, "What is this, 1830? Nobody calls it 'supper' anymore!"
I have to be careful or I can eat way too much. I was raised on three hearty meals a day, each with some kind of sweet/dessert, and with snacks in between, and even now, I'd have no problem doing that.

Normally, though, during the week, I just have cereal for breakfast, something smallish at lunch, and then a nice supper.
Weekends, I almost always have a big breakfast, then just a piece of fruit or some cheese at some point, and a smallish early supper.

And for me, it's breakfast, lunch, and supper, though I was raised to call it breakfast, dinner, and supper. I'm stuck between generations, because my dad won't even acknowledge that the word "lunch" even exists, and my nieces all laugh at me for saying "supper," as in, "What is this, 1830? Nobody calls it 'supper' anymore!"

I hardly ever have dessert, not a sweet tooth here. Growing up we always had "puddin" on a Sunday. I might have a store bought ice cream, a trumpet/ corneto. Maybe once a month. No "supper" here either.


We're early eaters, usually dinner is on the table between 17 and 17.30. This is because I have an extremely fast digestion due to not having a colon, and I would like to be able to sleep through the night as much as possible.

My husband is usually home at around 17h so that's fine cause he's usually hungry by then too.
We usually have dinner around 7pm, occasionally as early as 6:30 (if we're particularly hungry) or as late as 8pm if we've been out or been doing something in the early evening.
As late as possible. Often not until 11 pm. As an adult, I've certainly never eaten dinner before 8.30 pm. I don't eat breakfast and lunch is very rare (usually a snack). I've never understood why people eat dinner at 6 or 6.30pm. If I get hungry then I have a little snack.
Since retirement I usually awaken with the sun, and have breakfast shortly thereafter. Which may be before or after the chickens and cats have theirs. This also means it varies depending on time of year.

Lunch is anywhere from 11 am to 1 pm, depending on how I'm doing my day. Dinner starts between 5 or 6:30. I don't tend to snack after dinner - I also don't make dessert for myself. If I ever do have a dessert, I just take a bowl of ice cream, very infrequently.

If lunch is late enough, I'll often just graze for dinner, still within that same time frame. If I am not out somewhere, I prefer lunch to be my largest meal, with dinner smaller. But this may vary.

Before I retired, I'd have something brief at 6:30 am, hit work and have a quick 2nd breakfast (hobbit-style) at about 9 or 9:30, lunch at noon, dinner would depend on how long it took to fix after getting home at (usually) 6 pm or sometime as late as 8 pm. On those extended days, I often tried to set up the crock pot with brisket - which can stand sitting in the thing for that long! - or I'd grab take-out pizza or something from a grocery store self-serve dinner bar.

We've always called the meals, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. With supper being a seldom-used synonym for dinner. If it was a late breakfast meant to combine with lunch - this would be Brunch (around 10:30ish), and would be eaten with others.
As late as possible. Often not until 11 pm. As an adult, I've certainly never eaten dinner before 8.30 pm. I don't eat breakfast and lunch is very rare (usually a snack). I've never understood why people eat dinner at 6 or 6.30pm. If I get hungry then I have a little snack.

I eat dinner when I eat dinner because I'm in bed by the time you eat yours. But then, I do get up with the chickens. (Which is something I did not expect to do upon retirement!)

7 pm is as late as I'd want to start dinner. Otherwise I'd start feeling an urge for a snack, which would mean eating extra - more calories and junk. So I might as well make that snack go away and turn it into an actual meal.
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