What would you eat if you could win 1 million dollars for jogging 12 miles...?


21 Jan 2023
Local time
10:01 AM
New Mexico

You have no time to train. Your million dollar challenge begins 12 hours from now and gives you 2 hours to run those 12 miles. It's a one time opportunity. So, no you can't reschedule for a week from now.
I would eat spaghetti with very light meatballs, drink lots of plain tap water. And maybe 24 or 36 ounces of V8.
I'd be looking at something much more energy rich and nutritious.
But then I went off to cycle around the world, so have an unfair advantage in the "already been there, done that" category. But 12hrs from now wouldn't happen. I had my right hip replaced on Wednesday and have only just escaped from ICU onto a ward...
Hubby might though
I can only walk. Normally or briskly but because I was diagnosed with heart failure. Also, my heart won't let me do that, since it'll get overtaxed, & I'll get very tired & breathing very heavily immediately!!!! A million dollars is good, but it's not worth ending up back in the hospital & being in danger of dying!! And Lord knows that I've been in & out of the hospital many, many, many times!!!! :eek:
Back in my skiing and backpacking days, I could have done that jog. Due to the damage I did by skiing and backpacking, my back now can't do things like jog. :facepalm:

Back in my skiing and backpacking days, I could have done that jog. Due to the damage I did by skiing and backpacking, my back now can't do things like jog. :facepalm:


I got the same problem, & it has taken its toll on me so many times!! :eek:

Endorphins, adrenaline....

I wouldn't want to try to run more than a mile or so in my current condition. That would be really pushing myself. I don't run regularly, but if it was worth a million dollars I can imagine it happening.

I'd just keep repeating "A million dollars, a million dollars, a million dollars, over and over in my head for 12 miles. I think a lot of people would surprise themselves.
I’d probably carb load up with pizza or pasta, maybe some cheesecake after that, get my running shoes on, stretch my hammies, and go sit down and have another beer.
I would ditch everything comfy, not even pasta loading is easy when you're body isn't experienced with that and try to get some cocaine for the 12 miles. On the other hand, I wouldn’t probably not even need the spinach, 6 mph for two hours is not hard for me but not easy as well.

I would grab some headphones, listen to lofi hip hop and try to maintain a calm mind, while watching my speed carefully.
After 10 minutes our natural endorphins kick in and we won't feel any minor pain in the muscles, as long as we can let the endorphins flow into the brain. The last 30 minutes might be the hardest.
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