What's the difference between a quiche and a flan?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:10 PM
SE Australia
To deal with my allergy to all dairy products, I have simply adapted recipes I used to have and eliminated the dairy from them - the results are not always the same, but allow me to eat pretty much normally. Today, whilst I was making a mushroom, onion & garlic quiche (or what I previously had as a quiche) what the difference between a quiche and a flan was. This recipe simply had no cheese in it at all, and I had switched the cream for fresh soya cream. The pastry I use (a short crust one) is vegan anyhow (ready made this time around), so there was no issue there, but it left me wondering what the difference between a quiche, a flan and even potentially a tart was.
I think a flan is generaly wider and shallower, and a quicke smaller and deeper.

I would say that a quiche has to be dairy or dairy substitute based, made with a mix of eggs, milk and flour, often with cheese and onion added. Different types of quiche can be made by adding bacon or ham, mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes or other vegetables.

A flan probably may not have the same basic ingredients, and it can be savoury or sweet. You can make a flan with strawberries, apples, cherries or apricots.
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