Which type of milk should I cook with?


8 Mar 2014
Local time
3:18 AM
When I was younger we always had 2% milk in the house. I switched to 1% and then finally to skim milk. Unless I am having company or I am cooking something that needs cream, skim is the only type that you will find in my refrigerator.

When it comes to cooking, however, I sometimes think that the skim milk is a little thin. I wonder if the milk fat is necessary to making certain foods. Have you ever had an issue with the type of milk used? Is there a standard that most recipes use but don't indicate?
I agree that skim milk is too thin to cook with. My grandmother only drank skim milk, but kept a small container of 2% or whole just for cooking. I only drink 2% and haven't had a problem using it for cooking. I actually find whole milk too rich now, but that could just be an acquired taste.
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