Recipe White bread buns


Über Member
12 Jan 2021
Local time
4:03 PM
Good evening, this time I want to compete in the CookingBites-recipe challenge with a rather simple recipe that is basically for a normal white bread, the recipe comes from martin johansson, who is the author of the book bread, bread, bread. and I changed it a little bit. In the original recipe he suggests to let the dough rise for 3 hours in a warm (20-30°C/68-86°F) place, but I changed that and let it rise over the night,at room temperature. It's also a no-knead bread, what makes it extra fluffy and easy, sorry for the long story, here's my tweaked recipe.
And whoever wants the original recipe can ask me per pm, it's not that much different.

5g/1,5oz yeast
450g/16oz all purpose flour
10g/0,35oz salt
350ml/12oz water

1. Wash your hands, measure everything. Mix everything together, let it rise overnight, bring it into desired shape, bake it at 200°C/400°F for about 30 minutes. It's done when the outside turned brown, now it's up to you how much darkness you want.

Tipps: you can experiment with the dough, let it rise longer (2-3 days), add 50ml/1,7oz EVOO (or any other oil you like) for the same amount of water, add herbs and spices, swap ⅓ of the wheat flour with any other flour, add water/steam while baking.... and so on, imagine you're Tony Hawk,
the pipe is your oven and the bread is your skateboard, everything is possible for everyone.

Here's is my cheap version of a reuben sandwich, it contains homemade sauerkraut, smoked sausage filled with cheese and coated in bacon and one serving of potatoe salad.
I think you should post the Rueben sandwich as your entry, post the photo of the sandwich in the challenge thread and do a little editing to make that the entry!
Excuse me, I didn't want to post a recipe for a sandwich, my goal was/is to make a good, high quality bun, that's worthy for a good sandwich. The reuben sandwich is not hard for me to build, to make a good looking, crunchy and in the same time fluffy bun is the challenge for me.
Stay healthy
Excuse me, I didn't want to post a recipe for a sandwich, my goal was/is to make a good, high quality bun, that's worthy for a good sandwich. The reuben sandwich is not hard for me to build, to make a good looking, crunchy and in the same time fluffy bun is the challenge for me.
Stay healthy
But the bun is the ingredient in the challenge. It is a lovely bun, though.
Excuse me, I didn't want to post a recipe for a sandwich, my goal was/is to make a good, high quality bun, that's worthy for a good sandwich. The reuben sandwich is not hard for me to build, to make a good looking, crunchy and in the same time fluffy bun is the challenge for me.
Stay healthy
It’s perfectly acceptable to do both. You have already posted the bun as an entry, and you can use this bun as an ingredient in a separate sandwich recipe. Having a homemade bun as part of the recipe is significantly better for a sandwich recipe than having a store-bought bun.

By the way: excellent bun recipe. I will probably borrow from it when I post my next entry. 🙂
But the bun is the ingredient in the challenge. It is a lovely bun, though.
Didn't we say it's okay to post recipes for buns and if we want , we can use a bun as an ingredient? The reuben sandwich wasn't that special, the size of the bun was not perfect, I shaped it to big and the bun/filling ratio was off in the middle, because the bun was too thick. Thank you for your compliment, when they're fresh out of the oven they're as good like a baker's bun.
Stay healthy

But the bun is the ingredient in the challenge. It is a lovely bun, though.

To clarify - you are technically correct @JAS_OH; the recipe challenge is about using the chosen ingredient in a recipe and not normally about making the chosen ingredient. So, normally the recipe entered would contain the ingredient and not be for making the ingredient. However, I've checked back to the time that 'bread' was the chosen ingredient. The lines got blurred in that challenge and the judge (also the site-owner) SatNavSaysStraightOn allowed recipes for bread as well as using bread as an ingredient in recipes.

I think therefore, since a precedent has been set, in this instance we can allow recipes for burgers/bagels etc. as well as recipes containing them. We already have three such entries.
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Didn't we say it's okay to post recipes for buns and if we want , we can use a bun as an ingredient? The reuben sandwich wasn't that special, the size of the bun was not perfect, I shaped it to big and the bun/filling ratio was off in the middle, because the bun was too thick. Thank you for your compliment, when they're fresh out of the oven they're as good like a baker's bun.
Stay healthy
I'm sorry, I wasn't suggesting i thought you couldn't enter the bun recipe, I just thought you could use the bun in an additional recipe. I hope you didn't find me rude or pushy.
No way, I don't think that you're rude in any way, I like you and the food you make. You're a person I respect a lot and your critique is always welcome.
Stay healthy
Oh good, the last thing in the world I ever want to do is offend anyone or hurt their feelings. Sometimes it's hard to interpret when reading words when you can't hear tone of voice or see someone's expressions.

I like your creativity, looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future!
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