Who Has a Cookbook Holder?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
7:12 PM
Brighton, MA.
How many of you have a cookbook holder? I had one like this one before, but lost it, either through moving so many times or something. Bought a new one just like it because it not only holds cookbooks, but also smart phones & tablets as well, & it also helps to protect the cookbooks from spills, smudges & dirt!! You can even put pages of recipes that you printed on paper in the holder! :whistling:
Acrylic Cookbook Holder..jpg
I had one, a metal one, for years (I think I even posted it on here once), but I eventually got rid of it. It took up a lot of space and wasn’t that good a holder anyway.
I had one, a metal one, for years (I think I even posted it on here once), but I eventually got rid of it. It took up a lot of space and wasn’t that good a holder anyway.

Trust me, this is the only one that I like!! It very clear throughout & it helps to protect all your cookbooks from spills, smudges & dirt!! Of course, when you're done, all that you have to do is wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge & a little dishwashing liquid. or just wash it by hand in some hot soapy water, rinse & dry. What could be easier than that?!! Hah!!! :whistling:
I had an acrylic one too. It ended up in the bin because, basically, it got in the way too much.
That's probably why most of my good cookbooks are splattered with stuff :laugh:
I have the same one as GadgetGuy and I use it a lot.
It lives in the cupboard but comes out often, it is very useful for recipes I’ve printed out that I haven’t made before (so haven't proven themselves worthy of my recipe folder). Floppy paper does need something behind it to hold the paper up though.

I didn’t think I would use it much but it holds the recipe at just the right angle so you can take in what point you're at with a quick glance.

I liked it enough that when my son broke it I missed it enough to buy another one. I wouldn’t want it out on my side all the time but the kitchen scales slide nicely inside it so it provides a bit of protection for those too.
I have the same one as GadgetGuy and I use it a lot.
It lives in the cupboard but comes out often, it is very useful for recipes I’ve printed out that I haven’t made before (so haven't proven themselves worthy of my recipe folder). Floppy paper does need something behind it to hold the paper up though.

I didn’t think I would use it much but it holds the recipe at just the right angle so you can take in what point you're at with a quick glance.

I liked it enough that when my son broke it I missed it enough to buy another one. I wouldn’t want it out on my side all the time but the kitchen scales slide nicely inside it so it provides a bit of protection for those too.

@ SandwichShortofaPicnic, try using one of THESE if you have it. It should work for you!! :whistling:
Oxo Good Grips..jpg
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I don't use the recipes while I cook. i use them to assemble the ingredients and read the instructions. But I don't get them close to the cooking. No need for one here.
I don't own a cookbook...
I have a couple old pre-WW2 cookbooks - those I consult for 'the good stuff' - a lot of the old recipes have gone 'lost' - there's no fast food / quick prep in them - it's real scratch cooking.

pre-computers . . . got a under-cabinet-mount-fold-down 'holder'
keeps the book off the counter, disappears when not in use, no storage space needed.

now it serves to hold the kitchen tablet - recipes and scans are on a network drive (attached to the router...) - hence I'm pretty much paper free anymore.
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