Review Who Likes to Drink Wine Coolers?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
2:34 AM
Brighton, MA.
I do, once in a while, especially during the summer!

My favorite flavor is Strawberry Daquari. :wink:
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I thought daiquiris were usually made with rum?

Having googled wine coolers, I don't think they're popular over here (I can't remember seeing them anyway!). Probably our equivalent would be the various fruit flavoured ciders that are very popular in the summer months. Like these: Old Mout & Kopparberg

But if we're talking about wine, then I do like a white wine spritzer (with soda water, not lemonade!) on a hot day.
I used to visit a friend who lived down the street. Used to take wine coolers over during the summer, sit in her backyard & drink them. :wink:
Isn't a wine cooler the fridge type thingy that the bottles are placed in?
We have a lot of rtd's here, ready to drink, premixed bourbons, vodkas ,gins etc. not so much wine coolers. Bourbons are for the bogans, ( rednecks) lol.

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