Your least and most used kitchen appliance/utensil?


Legendary Member
30 Jul 2020
Local time
1:02 PM
I saw a thread like this but it was 10 years old. With so many new members here, I thought it couldn't hurt to ask again.

Excluding stovetop and oven :laugh:

My most used kitchen appliance: definitely the coffee machine and toaster that are used everyday. Second the hand mixer which is used every week.

Least used: sandwich maker - inherited from my grandparents and never used, not even once. Slow cooker - I just hate that thing.

What are yours?
Least? Probably quite a few, I’ll update once the utility clear out begins! At the moment I’d say my ancient super heavy Magimix food processer.

Most, the kettle wins hands down, then the dishwasher and the coffee machine. Do hobs count? If so that beats the coffee machine.

Something I use a lot more than I thought I would is the plate warmer. That averages at least once a day so it’s on a par with the dishwasher use wise but if I had to give up one of those two it sure as hell wouldn’t be the dishwasher 😆
Something I use a lot more than I thought I would is the plate warmer. That averages at least once a day

I'm intrigued. I can't imagine needing such a thing.

Most used in my kitchen:
Dishwasher, halogen oven (similar to air fryer but better), spatula (usually for frying eggs), microplane(s), mandoline, big chopping knife, microwave, kettle, toaster, blow torch, spice grinder, stick blender, Y shaped peeler

Least used:
Sous vide, mini chopper, egg topper, smoke machine (love it but rarely used), electric hand mixer (don't have a standard food mixer as I know I'd never use it).
I think I do. I'm not sure what I would use a stand mixer for really. The only mixer I use is a stick blender.
I prefer an electric hand mixer but that’s because becoming a coeliac back when the ingredients were truly awful I never got into baking and when I look at those lovely stand mixers I just think of all the cake and puddings I can‘t eat 😆
I can’t I don’t own one.
Although GF flours have come so far I have been contemplating one recently!

I don't really make cakes but if I do I usually do it by hand. If I was making loads of cakes at once then a mixer would obviously be useful. But for one cake? Bread and pastry I make more often. I always make bread and pastry by hand, That is the pleasure of making those things for me.
I do have an electric mixer that's handheld and I can't remember when I last used it. Possibly making roti kukus about 2 years ago.
I use my blender (stick blender, handheld) quite often.
Which reminds me: I have to repair the on/off switch :(
Most used? Chef's knife, kitchen tongs, garlic press, spice blender, electric kettle, and a set of 5 stainless steel bowls we bought about 30 years ago!
Least used? Two fondue sets. Wedding present 42 years ago, we've probably used them twice. Electric cooking pan/skillet. A Cookie Press. A set of 10 tools for decorating cakes (since I only know how to make two cakes, they'll probably get ditched at some stage).
Great Thread LissaC !!!

Geez, I'd say that I use everything in my kitchen on a regular basis.

Least used: Coffee Bean Mill (I don't buy beans any longer) ; Espresso Machine (I should though!) ; Culinary Torch (those small ones you'd use for brulee) ; yeah that's it.
Oh wait!
I do have a Cookie Press that I haven't used in a LONG time.
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