Your New Year 2024

24 Mar 2023
Local time
10:53 PM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
I stopped going out on New Years Eve about 10 years ago because honestly by then I'm done with all the festivities and would really rather just rest up and start the New Year with the modicum of energy I've clawed back between Boxing Day and New Year!

My boys like to spend New Years that way too (not always but mostly) so it's usually a pleasant evening with a simple supper and a quiet whisky in front of the fire watching a film.

This year I'm probably going for Ostrich steaks in the evening and for New Years Day lunch I'm going to get out the long Teppanyaki griddle.
I like the communal cooking you get with a Tepppanyaki griddle and people suffering from the excesses of Christmas can eat as much simple fresh veg as their poor systems require.

How do you like to spend New Year? Are you a close the doors and have a good book by the fireplace person or do you like to keep the party going?

More over what do you like to eat on New Years Eve and New Years Day and does the 1st of January mean anything to you?
Working in IT, I haven’t had a NYE off in at least 20 years - working in the financial sector for most of that time, it’s our busiest processing day (by which I mean night) of the year, encompassing end-of-day, end-of-month, end-of-quarter, and end-of-year, all rolled into one fun-filled night. 😒

Because of that, we naturally stay in, which suits us both anyway. We always have fondue NYE, watch TV, and I work when necessary.

When I’ve had the night off, we’ve gone out, but like the true fuds we are, we go out for dinner around 6PM and be home by 9PM. :laugh:

We did manage to go to our favorite German restaurant once, for “Midnight in Munich” night, which was great fun, because of the time difference, and we rang in the new year Munich time, over a sumptuous suckling pig buffet (where the oldest person in attendance was always awarded the head of one of the piggies) and a showing of the short “Dinner for One,” which is one of my favorite pieces ever (besides the slapstick, I love the bit of implied risqué behavior at the end…go James! :laugh:).

Another time, we were able to attend a NYE dinner party at the German club we used to belong to. We both loved that because the people who organized it were all in their 70’s and 80’s, so it was a real old-school kind of party, with outdated music and dishes on the buffet like pickled herring and all that.

We had a blast, and the best part was I got a kiss at midnight, and not from MrsT (who was very much not amused :laugh: ). One of the regulars, we knew her by sight, but not by name, she looked like Marlene Dietrich closing in on 90. We’d briefly spoken in the past, and I’ll admit, I absolutely adored her breathy, deep, thick accent.

Anyway, we all stood when it neared midnight and the countdown began, gathering on the dance floor as a group, and she was on one side and MrsT on the other.

Right when it struck midnight, I’d turned to give MrsT a respectable kiss, and this woman grabbed me with surprising force, spun me her way, purred “Heppy noo yeer, libeling,” and planted one right on my lips, and it wasn’t respectable at all - let’s just say she was German through and through, but for that 15-20 seconds, she was very…French, if you get my meaning. :shy: :laugh:
Working in IT, I haven’t had a NYE off in at least 20 years - working in the financial sector for most of that time, it’s our busiest processing day (by which I mean night) of the year, encompassing end-of-day, end-of-month, end-of-quarter, and end-of-year, all rolled into one fun-filled night. 😒

Because of that, we naturally stay in, which suits us both anyway. We always have fondue NYE, watch TV, and I work when necessary.

When I’ve had the night off, we’ve gone out, but like the true fuds we are, we go out for dinner around 6PM and be home by 9PM. :laugh:

We did manage to go to our favorite German restaurant once, for “Midnight in Munich” night, which was great fun, because of the time difference, and we rang in the new year Munich time, over a sumptuous suckling pig buffet (where the oldest person in attendance was always awarded the head of one of the piggies) and a showing of the short “Dinner for One,” which is one of my favorite pieces ever (besides the slapstick, I love the bit of implied risqué behavior at the end…go James! :laugh:).

Another time, we were able to attend a NYE dinner party at the German club we used to belong to. We both loved that because the people who organized it were all in their 70’s and 80’s, so it was a real old-school kind of party, with outdated music and dishes on the buffet like pickled herring and all that.

We had a blast, and the best part was I got a kiss at midnight, and not from MrsT (who was very much not amused :laugh: ). One of the regulars, we knew her by sight, but not by name, she looked like Marlene Dietrich closing in on 90. We’d briefly spoken in the past, and I’ll admit, I absolutely adored her breathy, deep, thick accent.

Anyway, we all stood when it neared midnight and the countdown began, gathering on the dance floor as a group, and she was on one side and MrsT on the other.

Right when it struck midnight, I’d turned to give MrsT a respectable kiss, and this woman grabbed me with surprising force, spun me her way, purred “Heppy noo yeer, libeling,” and planted one right on my lips, and it wasn’t respectable at all - let’s just say she was German through and through, but for that 15-20 seconds, she was very…French, if you get my meaning. :shy: :laugh:

Brilliant stuff, naughty lady! 😂

I quite like this bit too -
When I’ve had the night off, we’ve gone out, but like the true fuds we are, we go out for dinner around 6PM and be home by 9PM. :laugh:
but probably wouldn't like the noise levels by 9pm 😆

Do you make New Years resolutions?
but probably wouldn't like the noise levels by 9pm 😆

Do you make New Years resolutions?
Funny thing about the noise…I think the last time we went out for a proper NYE supper, we went to a fairly spendy place in Minneapolis.

The food was outstanding (the usual things like prime rib, lobster, etc), the service was great, but the noise was unforgivable.

The problem was partially down to the space, it was very open, high ceilings, and we could hear every diner’s clink of knife and fork, every glass hitting the table…but worse was the staff. The place seemed to pride itself on very…robust service, so when they’d deliver a plate, they’d almost SLAM! it down on the table, and when they’d clear empties away, it was even noisier. We didn’t even stay for dessert, because we both developed headaches.

Resolutions…no. What’s the point? We’d break them anyway, and likely before the week was out. :laugh:
Like you SandwichShortOfAPicnic we stopped going out for NYE many moons ago ... too old for that ... the last time was, oh, < edit - 1989! > when we lived in Waikiki and, boy howdy, let me tell you about PARTY!!! We lived right at the beginning of the "Gold Coast" where all the beautiful people and celebrities (geez, I know how to spell) lived at the time, not like we qualified in any of those categories, but we just found a great apartment and really cheap rent! :D
Having lived in a mainly Asian culture, I ensure that we have "lucky foods" for NYE.
This year I think we'll have Won Ton Mein Deluxe - basically noodle soup with dumplings and then I add in a BUNCH of goodies to our liking ... oh yeah, and stay home.
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When I first arrived in Venezuela, New Year's Eve was a complete revelation. From sitting in my local pub, singing "Auld Lang Syne" then pushing off home at 12.30am, NY Eve 1981-82 was one party after another. We spent an hour or so at each place and then went to the poshest hotel in Caracas for breakfast.
In the past 15 years, New Year celebrations have usually happened at a cousin's place. Plenty of food, plenty of good conversation, plenty of booze and two dozen rockets to bring in the New Year with a bang. Usually home by 3am.
Last year, I spent New Year's Eve at 35,000 ft because I was travelling from NY to Heathrow to be with my family. I did get a free glass of champagne, courtesy of disUnited Airlines, which was the least I could have expected since they delayed my flights for 36 hours.
This year, we're going to a friend's house. She's going to cook something Italian, we're going to take a tiramisu and some booze, and we'll probably have a great evening - but no 3am.
New Year's Resolutions? Nah - a total waste of time. Last year I resolved to give up drinking. But I never stated what, so I didn't drink 7 UP for 12 months :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
TOTALLY forgot about the FIREWORKS!
People in Hawaii are absolute PYROMANIACS!!!!
It's not uncommon for the head of a household to spend THOUSANDS of dollars of all sorts of stuff that goes BOOM!
We would go to my husband's sister's house on the other side of the Island and stay the night - the fireworks would go on ALL DAY AND NIGHT!
And now mind you, fireworks ARE ILLEGAL in Hawaii !!!!!! :laugh:
My new year's resolution has been the same for years now. And that is not to make any!

Traditionally in Holland there will be oliebollen eland appelflappen and lots of fireworks.

Here I normally just wait and see if there is a party going somewhere.

Last year, I had to look after the farm and I decided to celebrate every country's new year with a beer, starting with New Zealand.
I think I made it to Kenya (2 hours ahead of us) before falling asleep :wink:
When I first arrived in Venezuela, New Year's Eve was a complete revelation. From sitting in my local pub, singing "Auld Lang Syne" then pushing off home at 12.30am, NY Eve 1981-82 was one party after another. We spent an hour or so at each place and then went to the poshest hotel in Caracas for breakfast.
In the past 15 years, New Year celebrations have usually happened at a cousin's place. Plenty of food, plenty of good conversation, plenty of booze and two dozen rockets to bring in the New Year with a bang. Usually home by 3am.
Last year, I spent New Year's Eve at 35,000 ft because I was travelling from NY to Heathrow to be with my family. I did get a free glass of champagne, courtesy of disUnited Airlines, which was the least I could have expected since they delayed my flights for 36 hours.
This year, we're going to a friend's house. She's going to cook something Italian, we're going to take a tiramisu and some booze, and we'll probably have a great evening - but no 3am.
New Year's Resolutions? Nah - a total waste of time. Last year I resolved to give up drinking. But I never stated what, so I didn't drink 7 UP for 12 months :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

In Puerto Rico, and other Latin American places, it is not uncommon for drunks to shoot their guns straight up into the night sky at midnight. We had to be make sure we were under some kind of durable roof when midnight got close, because what goes up, must come down -- accelerating at 32 feet per second, per second, until reaching terminal velocity. That'll leave a mark.

For NYE, nothing that involves driving anywhere.

Family tradition is to eat pork and sauerkraut on NYD. I will probably sous vide and sear a nice pork chop, and serve with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut.

My first 2024 resolution is to make my beautiful, super expensive, custom tailored suit jacket fit again. I wore it to the memorial service, and the buttons would not close. For that, and other reasons, I want to loose 20 pounds asap.

For NYE, nothing that involves driving anywhere.

Family tradition is to eat pork and sauerkraut on NYD. I will probably sous vide and sear a nice pork chop, and serve with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut.

My first 2024 resolution is to make my beautiful, super expensive, custom tailored suit jacket fit again. I wore it to the memorial service, and the buttons would not close. For that, and other reasons, I want to loose 20 pounds asap.

Sounds like a suit worth losing weight for!
We often spend new years eve by ourselves, just chilling on the couch, watching a movie or two, and snacking nonstop. The last several years, we’ve had fondue for dinner, and my husband likes to buy those heat-and-eat type hors d’oevres for snacking. We’ll pop a bottle of bubbly at midnight.

Now and then we’ll get together with friends of ours and hang out, maybe play some video games (we did that last year), but they’ve got other plans this year so we’ll just hang out at home.

We like to keep it low-key, but still do something a bit special.
We've never celebrated NYE or NY itself because we'd always be out camping over Christmas and New Year right from university days. And being winter, you'd want to spend all the daylight on the mountains, so we've always slept through.

A couple of years ago we started getting up really early to drive 1½hrs away to have breakfast at a nature reserve where we can watch the platypus. They are diurnal typically, and the best time to see them is when the reserve has just opened at 7:30am and is still quiet. So we sneak in with a breakfast of fresh fruit and pikelets, coffee and a few other edible treats and sit quietly watching the platypus swim around feeding. We're usually alone for the first hour or so.

We'll be doing the same again this year. I'll make the pikelets (similar to drop scones) the night before and warm then through, then heat up some wheat bags to keep them warm for the drive to the reserve.
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