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Hahaha - nice one, SatNav!
Your photos reminded me of something - dried beans. While they will seemingly last for ever, the older they get, the longer they take to cook. Sometimes, they won´t ever get soft.
Hahaha - nice one, SatNav!
Your photos reminded me of something - dried beans. While they will seemingly last for ever, the older they get, the longer they take to cook. Sometimes, they won´t ever get soft.
I just use the pressure cooker on the older beans. Despite living at an altitude high enough to affect cooking times, I rarely have a problem with them. In fact beans were pretty much the reason for getting the pressure cooker. Cheap Ikea one, works wonders.
I live at 1300 mts - 4,265 ft - so it´s possible I´ve got the same issues. Pressure cooker seems to be the way!

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