agar agar

  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Raspberry panna cotta

    Is it a panna cotta? Technically, I’m not sure, but its a delicious, slightly wobbly creamy dessert which is a flirty pink and tastes of summer. Ingredients (serves 2-3) For the panna cotta: 250g raspberries 150 ml whole milk 60g caster sugar (or to taste) 150ml double cream Agar agar (follow...
  2. Morning Glory

    Recipe Bloody Mary 'amuse bouche'

    I don't think anyone is going to make a lot of these unless they have a large and empty fridge. But, its a bit of fun and would be great on a plate of mixed hors d'oevres or as an 'amuse bouche'. You can make them any size you like, but I think smaller is better (like a baby tomato) so they can...
  3. Morning Glory

    The CookingBites recipe challenge: gelatine (or plant based alternative)

    Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is gelatine (or plant based alternative) and TastyReuben is judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe* using gelatine or a plant based alternative**, tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to...
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